Chapter 30

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Time: Late evening
Day: The day before the harvest moon festival
Place: At the gate of the FireWall.

These three things would forever be imbedded into the minds of the fortunate ones that finally found there mates. An evening when the planet of the Unknown Ones, would stain the soil with blood.

They had just opened the golden doors, to speak to the brothers that had gone crazy with the agonising pain of not finding there mates. When all of a sudden, a dark cold dread creeped up on all of them, that began to feel like it was in there very bones of both the Darkling and there shifter shells. This was not new, after all they had always had that feeling, what was alarming was the Darkling/shifters that had finally found there mates.

Vegahr Nix, turned back towards his men and with a quick movement of his head, they all ran back to the fort at top speed, followed by all of the 'cursed ones' too. But no matter how hard they ran, they couldn't get to there mates fast enough.

When they all got back to the fort, a group of human men, where coming from the large hall carrying large spears, knives and pitchforks covered with fresh blood. They all knew who's blood it was, it was there mates, they didn't have to see the mangled bodies or dagger wounds of there destined ones, to know.

The rouge leader, was cleaning his long sword, with a mixture of relief and sadness on his face.
Relief: that it was finally over and no more women would be sacrificed for the human race of golden star.

Sadness: that a group of young women had to pay the price for it........or so he thought.

He looked up quickly a bit, he was about to look back down, when the sight before him made him stop dead and the sword in his right hand made a loud clatter as it hit the ground.
He shut his eyes tight and then opened them once more, his eyes where not playing tricks on him nor was it a nightmare.
Millions of the monsters that he had seen only in books of what 'the Beasts of the FireWall' changed into when they couldn't find there mate, know stood before him led by the lord of the fort Vegahr Nix and his men, all looking at him with a monstrous rage.

He felt as if his whole body had turned to ice, as dread crept up on him. The books where wrong, the books that he used as his religious book, that told him that to kill the monsters mates, was to kill them as well. All the planning of a better world, was ripped apart at the seems, he had doomed this planet and this universe, for a couple of words in a book.

Vegahr Nix, grabbed the right arm of Hellion, as he began to walk towards Frank Southsea and said in a serious tone "you and my creations can kill all of the planets inhabitants, but leave this human last" Hellion looked at Vegahr Nix disgusted and alarmed whilst asking "why on Earth not?" Vegahr Nix just gave him a small smile and said "this human, has planned to take us down by getting rid of the only thing that matters to us.
The reason why I'm not letting anyone kill him, is because I want to see the look on his face when everything he holds dear is ripped from him. Only at brink of this planets destruction will I then have the pleasure of killing this worthless human life. Killing him now, will only seem as a blessing to him"
Frank Southsea's eyes widened, as the beasts in human skin ripped off there human skin and unleashed the true horror of there true form. He could only watch as his men and later all the beings of the planet where killed before him as he was forced to watch what he had brought upon his planet and as he closed his eyes for the final time, he swore to himself that if he had the chance to be reborn he would make up for his deadly mistake, no matter the cost.

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