Chapter 70

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There was a loud crash and thud as Remos Young, broke another crystal ball, he glared at it, from his brown wooden desk, as the crystal ball, began to mend it self again.

He slumped into his chair as he looked at the three seals with distaste, as if they where the reason behind his unhappiness. He grabbed a bottle of cider and swigged it quickly and then put the bottle down with a annoyed thud onto the desk.

The last member of the followers of doomsday had promised, that once all four seals had been found and brought together, then and only then will the last member give Remos what he craved everyday and every sleepless night, his beautiful Alice. But Remos, didn't actually trust him that well, after all he didn't become the most feared Underworld London lord, by making deals, especially this one.

When news came to him that a beautiful Egyptian woman with the all seeing eye, had the power to track his beloved Alice, he of course jumped at the chance.

As if she could hear him thinking about her, she instantly appeared in front of him. Her beautiful long black hair seemed to glow in the dim lit room, she wore a dark green cloak and a blood red tunic, whilst carrying a small doctor's bag under her left arm.

She tutted as she looked at the bottle of cider and then at the other empty cider bottles on the ground and said annoyed "whilst you human, sit on your bottom and let your henchmen find the seals, I have had more luck on my search" Remos, just scoffed and said sarcastically "well at least I don't eat animal hearts and lungs to stay alive and young, like you" the Egyptian woman just rolled her eyes and said "now that's enough of that. I have found the last seal"

Remos, raised an eyebrow at the bag, but instead of her putting it on the table and opening it up to show him, she put it down on the floor. The Egyptian woman sat in the chair with a long sigh and said whilst twiddling with her fingers "sadly everyone knows where the last seal is, the downside's that it's more than impossible to get it. You see it's protected by ancient magic, too strong for the likes of any being. But there is a way of getting it. This is where your Alice comes into it, as you see she is not at all human. She is part Golden Dragon, part human. Only a Golden Dragon strong enough can distinguish the spell that hides it from sight, you see it's currently in a time relapse, that starts a week before Pompeii irrupted, the day of the catastrophe and then repeats itself, again and again"

Remos eyes lit up with happiness at finally being able to meet up with his Alice again, that quickly turned to annoyance. He got up from his seat and said whilst passing in front of his desk "one slight problem in that regard. No one knows where she is, I had tabs on her for a while. But now there is no reports of her anywhere, as if she has disappeared into thin air, her last place was in bloody Cornwall where she BLOODY DISAPPEARED" the Egyptian woman smirked as if knowing a hidden joke, that only she knew.

She said whilst getting up from her seat "don't worry about that, she will come back onto your radar sooner rather than later" Remos, just raised one of his eyebrows in question, but all she said was as she picked up her bag to go "let's just say that, you will be pleasantly surprised with the things you think are myths are far more than they have ever been" Remos, opened his mouth to question what on earth she meant by that.
The Egyptian woman, just walked towards the door, but stopped as she was about to open the door and said "oh by the way, master has asked me to give this too you. Apparently you have earned your 'stripes'" she chucked an oak wooden box at him, Remos caught it with both hands and opened it as the Egyptian woman left the room.

He opened it to reveal a golden feather on a blood red cushion, with a small note in black read:

I thought it was high time, for my apprentice to have his first reward. This is from one of my collections, in my personal zoo.
A being so beautiful, brave, true, fearless and TRUSTWORTHY, that it is an honour to have it in my collection.
But don't forget, once it makes a move against me, sadly it will be dealt with swiftly, with no second chances.

His master, last member of the followers of doomsday was basically saying in short, that if Remos dared to scrap the Masters plans of doomsday, then for Remos.....well death would be a blessing. His Master, liked to torture his victims before he gave the final relief of death.

Remos said whilst looking at the piece of paper "don't worry, you may be stronger than me at the moment. But I will not dare to move against you, I want my Alice too much for that"

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