The Creator's POV

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He tried to breath normally, but he couldn't, every time he did fire would irrupt from his mouth and burn something. Luckily he was outside, so there was only some damage but not enough for the human Mr Young and his staff would notice, after all his fire was not actually the colour of what humans would call fire. His fire was the colour of black and would leave treacle, poison like substance that burned everything in its path that it was contact with.

He apologised to the mother of this planet in the ancient language of the universe, for his crime. After all no matter how hideous, evil or monstrous a being was, the one thing all beings must abide to is to never destroy the mother of the planet, most commonly known as Mother Nature. After all it is an unspeakable and unforgiving crime, to destroy the delicate balance of nature and the reason for the planets existence.

He knew that he and his first experiment, where both mates to Alice. But one thing he could not stand was that piece of trash 'him', his disgusting, hideous experiment was aloud to hold HIS ALICE, WHEN ALICE WAS NERVOUS AROUND HIM BECAUSE OF THAT HUMAN. He couldn't help but let out raw of rage and madness, he finally had the universe bless him with the second chance of his beautiful mate in his life, only for her to be nervous of him on there first meeting.

There was a loud whoosh of air and then Zagthar's (that was his true name and not his human shell, Hellion) voice say in his gravelly tone "greetings to you, creator" Drogdrannith his true name, turned to face him and raised his right eyebrow and said "Zagthar, are you sure that it is wise to have your true form here, where humans are around. They may be sleeping, but still Zagthar"
Zagthar was a thing of nightmares, after all he was also one of Drogdrannith's experiments and so didn't have the handsomest of features, he had:

Black shaggy long hair, that seemed to curl around his two, golden massive horns that sprouted from his forehead.
His right side of his face, was mangled as if it had nearly been torn apart and someone had tried to put it back together unsuccessfully.
His human bronze, large muscular body had silver and green bits of what looked like some sort of glass or material that was intertwined into his skin and couldn't be removed.
He had a long all most like a green dragon tail, that sprouted from his tail bone
And lastly he had black golden wings, that where now tucked up against his body.

Zagthar bowed his head and said "I'm sorry my lord, but I'm not staying long. I'm here to bring good news to you" Drogdrannith looked at him intrigued, he couldn't think of anything better than having the rare chance of meeting his mate again, but he waved his human hand, for him to proceed so he did. Zagthar stood up and said with eagerness in his eyes "one of the many Havaniun scouts has picked up a scent of a burial ground, with an ancient prison filled to the brim with your ancient army. It is but a small prison, but I thou........" he stopped suddenly as he picked up the scent of his mate Susan, HIS SUSAN, he thought he had lost his chance in his temporary shop, but she was here, just a couple of feet away in that building. He automatically, stepped forward craving to hold or even have a glimpse of his mate, but Drogdrannith quickly stopped him with a hand on his right shoulder, as he was about to pass him and said "Zagthar, this is not the time nor the place to show your true form. I will talk with the human Mr Young, about bringing you to the company as my apprentice, but you cannot act too quickly remember they are humans and don't take that well with things that they do not understand" Zagthar looked at him confused and asked "what about all those alien and shifter books that humans read to pass the time, surely they would think that not everything in those books are not real and that there is a sense of reality?" Drogdrannith, only patted his shoulder and asked "even though we cannot die, doesn't mean that they will try and doing so kill are mates in the process, do you want that to happen to your mate or any one of us?" Zagthar let out defeated sigh and said whilst looking down at the ground "no of course not creator" then he looked up at him with pleading eyes and said "your creations have never asked anything from you, not even experiments like myself. But please I beg you, I don't know how long before I lose my sanity. I want to show her my true form, without the madness, the curse scaring her away. Please I beg you, make it happen quick" Drogdrannith looked into Zagthar's pleading eyes and said "as your master and creator, I give you my word. I promise you it won't be long" with that Zagthar took off and flew off into the air leaving Drogdrannith alone, with only wildlife and the soft calming sounds of the sea as the only sounds. Before Drogdrannith left to go back to his room, he looked up at the moon and said with a glare "this world will be mine once again, nothing can stop it from happening this time, not even you mother" and without a backward glance he left.

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