Chapter 10

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The Frozen Wasteland's of the North, where the Fire Wall was, was what you would expect with a name like that. The Frozen Wasteland's of the North, was a desolate place where nothing grew or survived, where the snow covered as far as the eye could see.
Where there once was life and beauty, was know: dead trees, frozen lakes, dead flowers, old wooden and half stone buildings as a remembrance of an ancient time, long before the humans came. The animals that had once lived in harmony, had now mutated to get used to the harsh wasteland and had now become monsters.

On the far side of 'The Frozen Wasteland of the North', where two black mountains, the sky had changed from pale blue sky, to a dark black treacle colour. In the middle of the two black mountains, held The FireWall. It covered all around the world, it was an internal flame, that no one knew where it came from or who made it. All they knew was that, it was manned and protected by 'Beasts Of The FireWall', for the sake of all beings, from a fate worse than death itself.
Next to the Fire Wall, held a huge fortress that held the 'Beasts Of The Fire Wall' for centuries.

The horse that was pulling the cage that held the woman, whined loudly as a loud chorus of growls and raws ripped the cold, quiet night air. Advisor Daniels, patted the side of the horse's head and said nervously "I'm scared too old friend, but once we have gotten this over and done with. We can go back to are normal lives" he then whispered underneath his breath "well for another winter anyway", he pulled the horses bridle to carry on moving.

They where already an hour late, so they had to hurry up, before they made the 'Beasts Of The FireWall' too angry. It was half an hour, before they got to the Fortress metal gates. The Fortress gates, where manned by two guards, they both had: silver fur like rugs over there shoulders tied by a golden broach, black hide trousers made by the blacksmiths over the Fire Wall, wore golden helmets the shape of monstrous faces, that covered there whole head and face except two eye holes to see and a mouth hole to speak, whilst they held a golden spear in their right hand.

The guard on the left stepped forward and said annoyed "you are late, Advisor Daniels" Advisor Daniels bowed and said "please forgive this human. We didn't know if we would be able to bring maidens for the ceremony this winter, but the gods gave us a gift at the last minute" the guard that had spoken to Advisor Daniels glared at the human male with loathing and said "you now the penalties of....." he was interrupted by a beautiful exotic smell coming from the prison cage on wheels. A smell that promised for all his dreams to come true, so he fallowed it.
After barging past the scared, human guards, he instantly found himself looking at one of the human women that where unconscious in the cage, her face and head covered with a sack. He knew by her sent, that she was his long awaited mate. He was very tempted to tear the cage to pieces and take her to his quarter's, but he quickly berried it deep for the meantime.
At the end of this years 'Eve Of The Dark Wolf' if he didn't find his mate, he would be marched off over the Fire Wall before his madness and darkness could take him, like so many of his brothers.
That was downfall of there existence, nothing and no one could hurt them, but when the  madness and darkness took over, they wished nothing but the welcoming arms of death. Because to live an immortal existence with madness and a darkness so horrible, that living is hell on Earth for them.

A loud moan came from his destined mate, slowly fallowed by 3 others, made him grit his teeth in agony. He shot his head towards Advisor Daniels and motioned with his head for them to carry on through the gates. He didn't tell where for him to go, because the Advisor always knew where to go every time he came, with fresh maidens for the ceremony. So Advisor Daniels and the very nervous guards, walked through the doors into what they called Hell.

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