Lord Finnonn

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(Words for Elven names found on https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/elf-names.php). I take no credit.
He looked up at the night sky, the stars twinkling in the sky like the finest of crystals from many of the mountains that dotted around his realm.

He heard rustling in the trees and then Anthony's voice say "I have read your letter". Lord Finnonn let a loud hmm, then turned to face Anthony and said kindly "you have fulfilled Nhamashal Xilzorwyn hope. He would be proud of you if he stood before you, as well as many of my fallen Elven brothers" Anthony had never had anyone praise him before, especially not his parents. He fought back the emotions and the tears he knew would come. He breathed out a long sigh, to clear his emotions and asked whilst walking towards Lord Finnonn "I have gone over and over again, wondering if this is the right path to take in my head. What if we need more money, what if we need more food, wh....." Lord Finnonn put a comforting hand on Anthony's shoulder and said in his wise tone of voice "my dear Anthony. We are not born to be leaders, many leaders have tried and failed. But you Anthony, in you I see a bright future for your race. In you I see a new dawn much brighter than any that have come before you. In you I see the future existence of your race that will never waver. You will be a great leader, would you like to know why?" Anthony looked at Lord Finnonn with hope, Lord Finnonn smiled at this and said "you will be a great leader, because you doubt yourself. If you think that you know all and see all, then there is a higher chance that you will fail. But if you doubt yourself, even a little bit, then you will always be weary of your surroundings and make sure you and your people are safe, no matter what that maybe". Anthony at that moment in time didn't know what Lord Finnonn meant but in the far off future he would understand too well.

Anthony looked Lord Finnonn and asked "you have been looking up at those stars for the last couple of minutes, are they different to the ones in your home realm?" A soft smile appeared on Lord Finnonn's face and he said softly "I don't know if you have heard. But there is a world where we one day wish to go to with are destined ones, that every elf had wished for since the first time we awoke. The world we where promised so long ago, where we finally can take off are armour and throw down weapons of war. To take off are shackles" Anthony asked confused "but what about your Elven home worlds?" Lord Finnonn smiled softly at him and said "my dear friend, my dear old friend. The Elven world's where not designed for us, we are but there current caretakers, protectors and watchers of the land, no world, no planet is what you humans call 'theirs'.
You like all beings, are your own land's protectors, their own watchers, making sure that it survives and flourishes for many centuries to come. You may have forgotten this, but us, we will never forget" then Lord Finnonn said that shocked Anthony "one day, the Elven realms will be handed to you and your race. I will hand you the rains to become  the caretakers of these realms, after all no matter if the evil did or didn't come, we would still give you these realms, after all that is what was designed by fate and also the universe herself" Anthony looked at him with a stupid and stunned look on his face as if Lord Finnonn had just gone mad and spluttered "y....you...you have got to be kidding. Don't you know what we have already done to are own planet/world. We have nearly literally destroyed it, what if we do the same?!!" Lord Finnonn gave him a comforting smile and said "I can not go against fate, like you cannot go against what has already been written in front of you. For life and fate, are one in the same.
Yes, there is a possibility that you will destroy the Elven realms like you have done with your planet/world, but that will be your choice and your choice alone. But don't forget, there will be no third chances. But at the same time, I have seen your race change and grow for the better, this maybe because of my age, but I am content with your races progress of changing for hopefully the better"

Anthony still looked at Lord Finnonn with still worry and disbelief on his face. If a extremely wise Elven Lord trusts the race of man, why couldn't he? Maybe it was because he had seen the greed of mankind, far more than they already had?
But the small piece of doubt in his mind, slowly softened at Lord Finnonn's words. He welcomed it like a balm to an open wound.

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