Mr Young's POV

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At the mere age of 5 years old, after my father had gone to prison for life, after killing my mother. I had been adopted by the Young's, the wealthiest import and export business in London, with a couple of side businesses such as interior design. They gave me everything I ever dreamed of, except for two things: love and respect.

At the young age of 20, I had most of the underground drug lords and snitches of London under my control, unknown to everyone, even my parents didn't know.

I had never met a woman that intrigued me or wanted until I met Alice, my Alice. I still can't get the picture out of my mind and I'm glad I didn't, because my life would never be the same without it.

It was back in December, 3 weeks before Christmas, in the hustle and bustle of London. That evening seemed to be more brighter than it usually was around this time of year, my mother had insisted for me to attend her usual Christmas party, which usually led to her showing me to a couple of very popular women, for the possibility of finding a future wife. I was well aware of my handsome looks, but the thing I could not stand, was women fawning over me like I was god's great gift to them.

It was around 7pm, I had an hour to get to the party, which was just a short walk from my office. So I stepped into the nearest Costa, to help me get through this evening and there standing in line was the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on.

She was currently looking at the board of hot drinks whilst twitching her nose, as if debating what to have. Her long curly blond hair was over her right shoulder, ocean blue eyes and she wore a deep red coat with black boots, it matched her beautifully. She stepped to the counter and when she said "oh hi, can I please have your Black Forest hot chocolate and a white chocolate and raspberry muffin" even though she wasn't speaking to me directly and also didn't know I was there. I knew in that moment I wanted her to be mine. I tampered down the sudden urge to drag her out of that coffee shop and lock her away with me, on my deserted island just the two of us. With more great effort, I quickly left the coffee shop and made my way to the party, not caring if I was an hour early.

After that day, I had asked all my henchmen and hackers to find the women that I was looking for. Once they did and I had gotten the address, I started sending her: letters, emails, flowers, expense jewellery and chocolates. But every time I did, she would get rid of them instantly, with a scared look on her beautiful face. After the last present of chocolates she had thrown away, it annoyed me a bit that she was throwing my gifts away, but what made me more angry was the scared look on her beautiful face. I had enough, I hated the look on my loves face, my Alice. That I had asked a friend of a friend that was a Doctor, to help control my impulses.

But when my Alice, came in for a interview as my receptionist as a post graduate. I couldn't believe my luck, for the very first time in my life, Lady Luck was smiling upon me. My obsession had grown even more, where I couldn't breath or eat without her there. She was everything I thought that she would be: hardworking, kind, genuine and thoughtful.

I rolled down my window and breathed in the early, crisp morning air, with a smile on my face.
My usual driver Adams and ex con said "I see sir, is happy today. Is there any reason why sir?" I looked at him confused and then said "oh yes, sorry Adams I forgot. I have been in my own little world, the last couple of days. My future wife is joining us in Rome. She will be coming on my private plane........" all of a sudden I was interrupted by my phone ringing loudly, from the middle seat. I gave a loud sigh, picked up the phone and asked "yes, who is it?" There was people in the background and saying "no, you tell him" "me why should I tell him, you're the one he talks to most" I cleared my throat and said annoyed "tell me what you want to say, or I will fire the whole lot of you and you will not be able to find a job ever again. Do you hear me?" There was a long silence, I was about to turn my phone off, when Matt my favourite hacker said a bit too loudly "no, wait Mr Young. It's about your Alice and her friends" dread creeped up on me, i didn't care about Alice's friends, but Alice, my Alice was a completely different story. I swallowed hard and asked "what happened, to my Alice?" There was another pause and then Matt said "you see Mr Young. Your private plane did take off, with Alice and her friends. But they didn't arrive in Rome, to be quite honest sir, all reports are showing that it never landed. So I think...." I quickly turned his phone off and threw it out of the window, whilst swearing. I didn't want to admit it, but there might be a chance that i would never see my Alice, the only person that I had ever wanted in my entire life, was gone.

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