Chapter 49

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Mr Young, gasped aloud and his eyes shot open as something cold and wet hit him in the face hard. He bolted upright to find himself in a ice cold pond, with water splashing at his face and in a golden cave, as if someone had decided to change interior of it from a earth like colour to a cold colour of gold.
On the walls where ancient writings that he had never in his life seen before, the floor was painted in hideous mosaics of disfigured monsters and in the middle of the mosaics was throne of ice and skeletons.
He never feared anything in his life, not even at the hands of his farther. But looking at the mosaic on the floor and in a strange golden cave, he couldn't help a shudder of fear.

He was pulled out of his thoughts, when he a loud clapping sound coming from the corner of the cave and out stepped a elderly man with a slowly bolding head and a small white beard. He wore long denim trousers and a brown jumper. As he got closer he said interestingly "it is a honour to finely meet the man in question. Although, I'm a bit annoyed that you slept for three days, but no worries you are here in my domain" Remos Young, looked at the man confused and demanded "where the heck am I, send me back where you found me right NOW!!!" The man shook his head and said whilst tutting "you may be the biggest and baddest Underground Lord in London, but you are here. I will not let you go until I tell you something far more important than your life" this made Remos intrigued, so he looked at the man interested. Seeing that Remos was now willing to listen, he nodded at him and said "as I was trying to say. This golden cave is the cave of an ancient sect, the name has long been forgotten but that doesn't matter, the most important thing is that there true purpose is still going strong" the man smiled at Remos realising that he was now under his power and then carried on "for centuries we have been hiding from both the magical, mythical and human kinds. For are purpose, is not for the light hearted. You see, we are...I guess you can call us 'The Death Bringers' or 'Followers of Doomsday', we want to destroy the mankind/human race in one full swoop and then rise it from the ashes like a Phoenix, to make a better planet with a much more respectful human race, where mythical, magical and alike don't have to fear and live in perfect harmony. To be fair, at first I wasn't very willing to take over from my farther, but I came to realise that when we could get rid of the old and bring in the new, where no-one will be discriminated against, no matter if they are human, mythical or even magical and finally live in harmony. I realised that killing the human race and making it again into a beautiful world, will be a thing of beauty and not a thing to be disgusted about" Remos looked at him in shock and asked "your mad, how on earth are you going to complete that?" The man walked closer to him and said giving him a evil smile whilst tilting his head "well my fellow human, he is already here. With your help, he will destroy are world altogether" he looked at the madman confused and said "you seen to think I already know him" the madman just smiled and said "yes, you do. He is your knew board member, oh let me see, oh's your dear new friend....Mr Night" he bended down next to Remos and said "you see, he has met his beautiful mate again and if she dies again, without his destined one to tie him down and not unleash his true power. He will surely destroy everything and anything in its path, including the human race and this universe. But if we get to him just in time, we can persuade him to make a new human race whilst lying to him that he can bring his mate back to life, hmm"

A black crow cawed in the distance, signalling the beginning of a monstrous plot, a plot that would either become a reality or be stopped in its tracks. Only time will tell.

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