Chapter 90

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Mr Young had finally heard news of his Alice, he had just gotten everything ready for his trip. When he felt a presence in his office, in the corner of his office, nearly impossible to see in the evening light, with only a lamp on, was a shape of a man.

He asked trying to control his fear "who are you, did 'my master' send for me?" The shape of the man stepped out of the shadow, it was the red dragons trusted adviser.
He had shed Liorn like a second skin, a couple of days ago. He now stood before Mr Young in all his glory, he had: black hair braided, with streaks of blood red in it and wore a pitch black tunic. He looked like he was in his late 40's and had a muscular build.
He tutted and said "that old man, hmm. The last of the line of the council of 5, or should I say the followers of doomsday? How the mighty have fallen. No matter, no matter. They should have some recognition, I suppose. Sooner the human realm, will be in dust and ashes, oh, I cannot wait to see it" Mr Young looked at him confused and asked "sorry, what do you mean?" An evil smile appeared on his face and then he said as if in jest "I see, he hasn't told his 'trusted apprentice'. Umm this is very interesting. Since he hasn't told you, I will tell you myself. It's really is not that difficult to understand, you see, my master the dragon, has been imprisoned in the bows of the Earth since the beginning of time itself. The universe's daughter Mother Earth was trusted in watching over the prisoner. But the tide is changing, time and fate have changed course and with it, myself and my masters army have come to this realm in hopes to free him. When he is free, this realm will tremble and cower at are feet. Then death will come to them, slow and agonising, as he too was in slow and agonising pain for centuries" Mr Young looked at him confused and asked "then why are you here, telling me this. Instead of joining your masters army?" The being tilted his head creepily to the side and said "well, you will help me unlock his prison" Mr Young looked at the being confused and asked "what do you mean?" The being raised his right eyebrow and said "hmm, I see. Another story that you have not been told. How intriguing" he then said "you see Mr Young, underneath your adopted parents house, is a underground vault that leads down to my masters prison. You see, a couple of centuries ago. When your ancestors started building the house, they came across a cave like dwelling, with an ancient door with ancient markings on the door. The family witch, told your ancestors to forget about that place and build the house on it anyway, with a mind control spell to be definite, so to forget about indefinitely. Only by chance did I come across this news, in a personal journal of the Young family, that was classed as lost. That door that I speak of is my masters prison and with your help we will free him together" Mr Young, slumped in his seat, in shock. In a way he did except this to come to light, it didn't take a genus to know that when your farther has a fit of rage when you go towards a bolt locket door, that something is going to be dangerous, on the other side of that same door.

The being smirked and then said "but you don't have to worry about him. It is his brother that you should fear more than the red dragon. I guess you could say.....that the red dragon is the lesser evil, it's when the red dragon is unleashed will his brother come into his power. A power so dangerous, that the universe herself will cower in fear" then he started to say "you see, there are many prophecies of the red dragons brother. But this is my favourite one:
On the Eve of the last war of all.
The dragons brother will betray its host.
Not of murder or of sacrifice.
But of words and deeds.
He shall bathe in rivers of blood.
But the host shall not know of this until it is too late.
For then it will be too late and the pact that was made so long ago will be broken forever more"
He smiled in triumph, as if it was already done, then he sighed and said bored "but sadly, I will have to wait for that moment. Pity, it is not sooner"
He was about to leave the office, when he said "make sure to find my mate Alice. She will probably want to know where I have been" and with that he left, leaving Mr Young shocked and confused.

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