Dr Hampshire

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He sat in Mr Young's secret room, that led from the bookcase in his office. The secret room, was made out of the finest oak.
On the back of the room hung a single painting of a beautiful Italian countryside, with a small bar underneath.
In the middle of the room was a Persian rug covering most of the medium sized room, with two Victorian style chairs sitting on top.
But on the other side of the room, that had the secret door, was bare except a painting of Rome, on the same cream coloured room.

Dr Hampshire, cleared his throat as he got out his pen and paper and then asked "so Mr Young, what would like to talk about today?" Mr Young just gave him his usual smile, that scared the living daylights out of him "Now, now Mr Hampshire, surely you haven't forgotten the reason of your constant visit or the...oh let me see....oh yes....the £10,000 that I give you monthly" at this Dr Hampshire just sighed loudly and said "the money does come in handy Mr Young, but I do hope one of these days you actually listen to me" Mr Young just smiled and said whilst poring himself a glass of scotch and sitting down on the other chair opposite Dr Hampshire "now where is the fun in that, after all you are the only one who takes me seriously and the only one who knows my secret".

He looked at Mr Young's fine form, who would of thought that the handsomest and most popular business man, beloved by everyone who meets him, would have a dark side to him.
Who was he kidding, everyone that he met, popular or not had a dark side, but with them they at least listened to him and at least did what he asked of them.

Unknown by Mr Young, the same day Mr Young had asked for his help, his mother also asked for him, in her words "my son is transfixed upon this new girl, that he saw at a small coffee shop, this morning. I will pay you handsomely for your services to steer his intentions back to finding a successful, business woman. To further are good family genes"
For Mrs Young, to say this was very ironic, since her son was adopted and not of family blood and also he wouldn't dare to tell her that her hopes of dashing his obsession with the girl from the coffee shop, the same girl that was working for her son, hadn't change. If anything did change it would be that he had gotten more obsessive towards her.

He was pulled out of his thoughts hard, when Mr Young said whilst swirling his scotch "Alice and her friends are joining me in Rome, where I intend to make Alice my bride, one way or another. I hope you can attend" Dr Hampshire's mouth opened, but he couldn't make out a word, he just sat there with his mouth open like a fish.
In all his experience of being a doctor in this type of work, there has been many disturbing moments and shocks, but nothing to compare to this. It was definitely official, Mr Young was his most scary and disturbing case yet.

He shook his head and then asked Mr Young in a strong enough voice as he could muster "what has your mother said about this?" He just scoffed and said "my 'mother', as you call her. She does not matter in the least, the worse she can do is report me to the police or every agency that will listen. But you already know Dr Hampshire, that I own every agency from the London times to the newsrooms and the police even though they do not know it, I have them in my back pocket. Nothing and no-one can touch me, after all who would expect me, the most popular business man in London, to be a monster, hmm?"

This was the reason why Dr Hampshire was scared of this subject, this man was a: very handsome, well educated man(even if he wasn't, he would still be praised), beloved by many, respected and honoured by all the business world. So if his dark secret would even come out, everyone would not bash an eyelid. No-one knew the dark twisted things he did in his private life, he was many things: a underground drug Lord, thief, and even a murderer. But one thing he wasn't, was a quitter.
He never had a girlfriend, lover, fiancé or had an ex of any sort. But when his new employee came, he had an uncontrollable need for the woman.

Mr Young was not like his old subjects, that would grow tired of or dispose of there obsessions, he actually had ideas of making her his wife and from earlier confiscations he had even mentioned having a family with her and growing old together. For that Dr Hampshire thought he was the most dangerous subject ever.

Who would of thought that a young orphan boy, taken in by a strict rich family would turn into the most dangerous man, Dr Hampshire had ever met.

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