Chapter 51

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He bit his bottom lip hard, as a human woman's high heel stepped on his black shoes. To be fair, he was having his invisible shield on, it was just a shame that he could still feel pain when people nocked into him or stepped on his feet.
In the last half an hour of surveillance, in his master's nightclub for the whole reason of looking after the one who would save this planet and universe. He had been stepped on 3 times and nocked into even more than that, by thousands of humans.

Oh how he so wished that 'The Watchers Of The Other World', would give him a more demanding task, like killing a demons nest or the occasional Black Smith Dragon.
But no, he had to be on duty looking after a human called Alice and her friends, from death itself.
He still didn't get it, why humans wanted to go to these places, where it stank of alcohol, sick, sweat and other unpleasant things.
Yes he liked a good drink, after all the Golden Dragons Of Zanatoo (his home world), where famous for there mead and was much better than any human alcohol. And when they had to flee there home planet, with just a handful of the once proud 3 million, by the hands of Drogdrannith, they brought with them there mead as well.
Oh how he so wished he was in his cave drinking Zanatoo mead.

He was quickly pulled out of his thoughts when he saw Alice walk into the nightclub with her friends, but what caught his attention more was 'Followers of Doomsday's' new puppet watching through an open window. He swore loudly, this was bad, really really bad. It could only mean one thing that there plan was coming into fruition more than 'The Watchers Of The Other World' had expected, he needed to act now even if that meant spiking the girls glasses and taking them all back to base, then he would do it to save this universe.

He caught the eye of his sparing partner and his sparing partners mate, that where both sitting on the sofa right next to Alice, with a nod from him, they all got up and without being noticed chucked the invisible cloak over them. The humans in the room, didn't notice a thing, they were either dancing with someone else or drinking. Luckily there was a sleeping elixir in the invisible cloak, to make the job better. Once all three of them where under the invisible cloak including Alice and her friends, he clicked his fingers on his right hand and disappeared into thin air.

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