Chapter 71

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Liorn was sat on an old wooden bench, in what was once a theatre. He looked at the old man in front of him that sat on a marble chair in front of Liorn, he was dressed in a pitch black robe and hood that covered most of his snow white hair, with brown shoes and was leaning against his walking stick. It was tradition of Werewolves to cut there hair short, when they hit the age of 60 years old, a sign that all werewolves knew as the 'Blessed Time' a time where the old would tell stories of there life, what they have seen, any warnings and last but not least the passing of there power.

Within all werewolves, held a power that makes them change into a human and back to there original form.
No outsiders knew of there original form, only there clan knew, along with this power, they had there own personal power, that made them...well them. It could be a healing, fire, ice, nature or many others.

Liorn pulled out of his thoughts when a man came from the right hand side of the old man, walked into the middle of the once theatre, bowed and said "my lord, it is an honour to finally be in your presence. I will be this elders translator, you see my lord, he can only speak through the mind and not the month anymore. This humble servant hopes you understand" Liorn said in a business type tone "proceed" the translator bowed again in thanks, stood back up straight and walked over to the elder to stand next to him.

The translator cleared his throat and then said as if another person's voice was coming out of it, Liorn assumed it was the elder that sat in front of him said "it has been many moons since your last journey to us, but this elder wonders why this century, at this time?" Liorn let out along sigh and said "I have wondered the same thing, these last couple of days" then he said that shocked the elder and the translator "you see, I don't know anything of my past. All I remember is finding myself in a deserted cavern with 'his' Darkling taking out tubes and wires from my body. It's only been a couple of days since I have known who I am....but not what I am. The only thing I know, that is calling me above all else is to find the 'Haveriun seal'. So I seek your guidance, as to why"

After both the elder and the translator composed themselves, the elder sat up straighter in his chair, if that was even possible and looked at Liorn square in the eyes and said through the translator "'Haveriun seal', as you call it. Is not exactly what it has been described as. Yes, once brought together can start the doomsday clock for both mankind and every being in the universe. But that is not the whole story. You see, it's another portal of sorts. It's a bit like what some humans call the portal or doorway to hell" Liorn's eyes widened with fear and said "you mean the last seal, will bring the horrors of the universe to are doorstep?" The elder rolled his eyes heavenward and then said again through the translator "no, that is what humans think. But its again far from the truth. You see, this portal is where the ancient council are, older than are current ones. It's there beasts that you should fear. Centuries ago, no one knew why or how it happened, but the council on a rescue mission in unknown part of space, happened upon an ancient evil. Not ready for this ancient evil, they quickly changed into bloodthirsty, war hungry, barbaric beasts and brought back to there home world the beasts that they found there. They say that is what your nephews true face is, the ancient evil that the council once faced. If those seals are brought together.....not even the universe herself can stop this"

Liorn sat there in silence, with horror and confusion written clearly on his face he asked annoyed "you still haven't answered my question, why I desperately needing to find the 'Haveriun seal' ?" The old man looked at his translator and the translator looked back at the elder, as if thinking of it was best to say it or not. After awhile, the translator opened his mouth and said "'Haveriun seal', is in a you" Liorn looked at the translator and the elder confused and asked whilst getting up from the bench "what do you mean by that's not's just can't work....unless" the translator nodded and said "yes, you are correct" the translator let it sink into Liorn and then carried on with "the reason why Pompeii fell is because there was originally only three seals and because they where all brought together......we couldn't face this universe and everything in it to be destroyed like the one where the original council was trapped in. On that day, when the original council members and there beasts where slowly coming out of the portal, you surprised us all by sacrificing yourself for this universe saying "I will never forgive her for what she did to my brother and nephew, but even this is a tad bit too much, even for her". You also demanded for us to protect the new seal and never let anyone know, let alone your nephew. So with your last breath, you fashioned your soul into the 'Haveriun seal', using the material from your home domain".

Liorn looked at him with shock written on his face, no wonder he couldn't remember his past, he literally didn't have a soul. To most mythical creatures, a beings soul was a way to be grounded, so there true nature wouldn't take over and cause havoc, so in a way he should become a mad, raving lunatic. Maybe he would of been a mad, raving lunatic if his beautiful mate didn't come into his world.

The translator cleared his throat and then said "my lord, may I ask something of you personally?" Liorn said intrigued "yes, of course. Go ahead" the translator stepped forward and said unsure with a hint of fear in his voice "this question is not from the elder, that sits before you. I have been asked never to ask this question, when you arrive. But I must. If I offend you, I seek for your forgiveness" the translator breathed out a long sigh as if trying to must up the courage to ask Liorn, asked "May I ask, has your nephew found his destined one?" Liorn looked at the translator confused and said "yes, he has. To be fair, his mate is my mate too" the translators eyes widened in fear, his once bronze skin turned to a deathly pale and he staggered back a bit as if under so much pressure. He then muttered to himself, as if remembering a verse of old:

One who has forgotten his past, but seeks it.
One who is the darkness of the universe, in a body not of his own.
Both of family ties.
Both share a mate, so beautiful, yet so destructive.
Both will bring around a new age, destroying the old in blood and death.

The translators eyes, looked at him with fire in his eyes said "you must either stop your search of the 'Haveriun seal' or risk the end of your mates life. You cannot, no....YOU WILL NOT HAVE BOTH"

Something inside Liorn, began to build up. Once it came to the surface, black and red almost like veins appeared all over his body, his eyes turned a dark purple, with ancient writing covering over his body. His black hair now braided, had also streaks of blood red in it and he now wore a pitch black tunic. He looked like he was in his late 40's.

The elder looked at him with his eyes wide with fear and looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. The true being of the darkness inside Liorn, smiled at the fear on both the werewolves in front of him, as if they had said something funny. The darkness made a loud clicking sound with his tongue and asked smirking "you, didn't expect me to still be around did you, let alone in this body?" The elder and the translators only reply was a loud swallow, as if there throats had suddenly become too dry. The darkness got up from the wooden bench and said whilst looking around and tutting "oh dear, dear. Look at all this mess, if only the body I was trapped in didn't stupidly ruin it. We all would have had a better dawn, than ever before. But no problem, the dark one will soon sort that out, I am sure of that" then all of a sudden his head snapped towards the elder and the translator and said snarling with his face turning into a beast "you think, because I let your kind live. That you dare threaten my mates life, with your silly, little words. Have you forgotten who and what we ARE? If you have, let me have the pleasure of reminding you myself?"

Screams and cries, ripped through the now cool morning air.

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