Alice's POV

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I breathed out a shaky breath as I fiddled with the ends of my long cream dress, as I nervously looked around outside Mr Young's Greek island seaside mansion. It had been 3 days since having Mr Night, as are new board member and today was one of five days to introduce him to the other board members. Luckily I had only needed to come to the first day of the celebration/party. Myself, Susan and a group of the board members got on Mr Young's private plane this morning. I was never the one, where they loved parties  nor did I get dressed up in long dresses, I was always a long sleeve top and denim trousers type of girl and only wore a skirt for work.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Susan nudged whilst saying "Alice, snap out of it. You need to be more relaxed, it's only for a day, so breath" I gave her a small smile and breathed in and out to stop myself from panicking, once I did that I felt more comfortable. She interlocked are arms and we began to walk up to Mr Young's Greek island home, where loud chattering and laughter was heard, with a piano playing in the distance.

We had just got to the top of the stairs to the mansion, when Mr Night met us at the top carrying two champagne glasses. Susan smiled at me and with a wink, left me alone with him. I smiled and said a quick "thank you" as he passed it to me and gave a quick sip of it whilst looking nervously around him for Mr Young. He raised an eyebrow at me and said "you really are that nervous about him", my eyes shot to him scared that he would say something to him, but only stood there.

I walked around him and sat in one of the sun loungers, that was empty and asked looking up at him "am I really that readable, that you know everything about me?" He sat down on the same sun lounger and said with a hint of anger "I hate the way your eyes grow wide with fear and run away or make an excuse when myself and Mr Young are in the same room" he took the champagne glass from my hand and put it down next to his on the floor of the polished marble floor and said huskily whilst putting his left hand on my right leg "I will give you the universe if you asked for it, or even Mr Young's death, as long as I can see the happiness in your eyes when you see me. You are everything.." he was interrupted by none other than Mr Young himself, dressed in a white long sleeve top and denim trousers as he said to me "Alice, I have arranged for you to stay for the five days. I have made perorations for you and Susan to stay in the room next to mine, oh and Mr Nights business partner Liorn will be joining us" dread creeped up on me as I looked at him shocked, I shook my head and said "but Mr Young, you promised that I would only be hear for today and no other" Mr Young gave a warning look as if it was not wise to argue with him and said "it is finalist" I got up and said whilst walking back down the steps as both men walked towards me "I'm going to get my suitcase from the car, I won't be long" this was a lie, since I never thought I would be here with my boss that I felt uncomfortable with, so I didn't pack anything and with that I quickly walked down the stairs. I usually was really good at not showing my fair and was always brave, but today I couldn't do it. Five days on this island with him next door to me, hoping not to be in the same room as him, was going to be hard and that was saying something.

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