Mr Young's POV

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I slammed my right fist into my new oak desk with a bang, that shook the table. I didn't care about the pain at that moment, I turned around and placed my right fist into my left palm, whilst looking out of office door that led down to a beautiful palm beach. It was night time, fireflies shining brightly, that brought a bit of a magic atmosphere, that matched the twinkling stars and the full moon. It was a beautiful scene and I would of enjoyed it, if I wasn't so angry and annoyed about Mr Night.

Two hours ago, I felt comfortable and happy for the very first time.
1)I had finally had my Alice all to myself (in a way) and planned it all out so that the rest of the week, whilst the board members where in a different country due to a out of the blue meeting with my parents.

2)Mr Night a ruthless, power hungry, jeweller that came out of nowhere two weeks ago and in that time, he had taken the jewellery trade by storm. Due to his hands on approach, from finding precious Gems, to the finished product. What no one realised was the whole purpose of hiring Mr Night was for him to make the most beautifulest and eye catching jewellery, not just for one of my other businesses but for my Alice too. Even he didn't know that yet.

But what I couldn't stand was him sitting next to and talking to my ALICE!! I slammed my fist back into my palm with annoyance, I didn't care about the pain that it caused, I had worse in the past at the hands of my so called 'birth farther'.

But at the same time, the looks of fear on my Alice's face that once was brave and proud, but maybe that is what I deserved, after all I made a move on her before she was ready, which now ripped me to bits inside. I wanted my Alice back but I don't know how to, know that she fears me.

I looked down at my now blooded and sore right hand, sighed and then left my office to go to the kitchen where the first aid box is.

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