Chapter 25

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Itorindwin-Undine or most commonly known as Itor. Was a dimension filled to the brim with Darkling's, that the creator of the Darkling race had fashioned.
No one knew the creators true name, they either called 'him' or the 'Death Bringer'.

Itor, was a desolate place where it was always cloudy never sunny, it also always rained acid rain down upon the planet. The planet, had gotten used to the acid rain that rained down hard, that it had made a natural shield to stop the dimension from crumbling away.

Also the Darkling's that lived in this dimension, where born of both the creators powers and of the acid rain that came down constantly onto the planet.

Practically nothing ever grew in Itor, but that did not matter, after all Darkling's didn't have to eat or drink to survive, they just liked the occasional raw meat, that they got from other dimensions and planets.

The only thing that did grow in Itor where trees, but not any old tree that you would find on earth. These trees where of ice-long wood, as the name suggests they where made out of long wooden like ice, that came from the north of Itor, due to there hard both interior, exterior and flexible material they where good for making cone shaped huts, most of the time Darkling's never used them, after all without a mate to call there own, they thought it was pointless to have them, they only used them to store there personal items that they either raided or made themselves.

The creators hut was a completely different story. It was a shape of a rectangular shaped house, made from the finest of ice-long wood with two large doors made of black ice from the weston hills.
Inside the hut, fur rugs of the Darkling race's enemies scattered the floor, even there skeleton heads decorated the walls as trophies. Weapons and armours stood on pilers, for all to see.
At the far end of the hut, on a throne of ice and skeletons sat 'him' the creator of the Darkling race. His human shell Vegahr Nix, did not know that after he tried to stop 'him' from being free from his bounds, by burning the prison seal that bound 'him' that one of his trusted followers freed him without Vegahr Nix knowing.

His true form had broken free from his imprisonment, his true form was more powerful than his two others.
He looked like he was in his late 30's, with long black braided hair with a small crown made out of skeletons on his head. He wore only a soft fur like trousers and a black red fur rug thrown over his shoulders, his body was the colour of bronze with scars marrying his large, muscular body. His black golden wings where out wide, with there claw like tips nearly touching the ceiling, his red spiked claws on his feet and fingers flexed impatiently as he looked through the water mirror.

His human shell was currently in his personal quarters, looking over the latest report of the FireWall, before the evening banquet, when the door opened and in ran his beautiful mate Alice.
Before he had any chance to act, she wrapped her arms around his human shell and hugged him tight whilst giggling.

He gritted his teeth, he wanted so badly to wrap his arms around his beautiful mate, but the time was not right to show her his true form. As soon as she hugged his human shell, she quickly pulled away from him and said whilst blushing bright red "I'm sorry if I have interrupted something important. I'm just so happy to be able to wear some new clothes and also I'm so...." the door opened again and a middle aged woman made a tutting sound and said whilst shaking her head "miss, you are a lady now. You cannot do that, a lady must have patience and not interrupt her lord" he looked at the uncomfortable look on his mates face, gone was her happy excited look, now was replaced with guilt and regret. At that moment, he wanted to tear the middle aged woman apart with his bare hands, his true hands. She didn't look up at him again, as she quickly curtsied and left the room followed by the tutting middle aged woman.

He waved his hand over the water mirror, once he that it quickly disappeared. His whole form shaking with anger and hate, he let out a monstrous raw to signal the start of the collapse of the FireWall and the true beginning of Darkling's true plan.

He thought to himself as he left his hut
The universes time for change will begin. Nothing and no one will stand in my way, ever again. The time of the dark beast will begin.

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