Alice's Dream

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I felt cold air hit me hard, not enough to be freezing, but enough to wake up. Once my sleeping eyes opened, I found myself in a dim lit, medieval like tunnel with torches and some kind of old dark red treacle like substance covering the walls, that I had a queasy feeling think I knew what it was.

Something on the other end of the hallway was calling me, as if begging me to walk further to what would await me. With my thoughts and senses only focused on the other end of the dim lit tunnel, with no sign of a open door, I thoughtlessly walked forwards.

After what felt like ages I came to a black medieval door, with a golden handle. I pressed my left ear to the door, to see if I could hear anything on the other side of the door, when I didn't I held the golden handle and began to turn it. The door made a loud 'click' as it unlocked, the sound echoing and bouncing off the walls of the tunnel.

With as much confidence as I could muster, I slowly opened the door. Once the door was opened, I crept into the room and then gasped aloud as I saw what awaited me.

The room was as if it was carved into a rock, with a huge hole in the ceiling bringing in sunshine. At least I knew it was daytime wherever I was. Torches hung around the cave, whilst the crystals in the walls shown brightly.
But what made me gasp, was the skeletons that littered the floor, they was a mixture of animal, skeletons that I have never seen before, insect and also human skeletons.
In the centre of all this horror, was a bronze muscular man with golden chains, around his wrists hanging from the ceiling.
Of what I could see of the man, he had: treacle like black unkept hair, big muscular bronze body, a couple of scars and what looked like ancient tattoos covering his chest. He wore only a black piece of cloth, covering his private place.

All of a sudden, he began to sniff the air and then when his head shot up, he gave me a piercing gaze. A look of wonder and agonising yearning appeared in his ruby like eyes and then he began to fight against the bonds that bound him whilst growling and bearing his teeth.

My eyes widened as the shackles that bound him, began to quickly turn to dust before me, as if the energy that was coming off him, was lethal.
I slowly began to back away, trying not to make a sound, which was tricky considering that the entire floor was covered with skeletons.
Once I felt the door behind me, I quickly turned around to open the door and flee this nightmare, but before I could a large muscular bronze arm wrapped around my waist and pull me hard against a chest.

I stood there still as a statue, I didn't know what I should feel at that moment, maybe: fearful, scared or even uncomfortable. But what I never thought to except, was to feel relaxed and safe, a feeling that I was finally home.
Feeling very confused, I just stood there against his chest, with his heart beating loudly in my ear.

After awhile of just standing there, he nuzzled his head into my hair and said in a strangled voice "you have no idea, how long I have waited for you my beautiful mate. Longer than my shifter body, hmm you smell divine" I don't know why I said that at the moment, maybe I was scared, but the first thing that came out of mouth without meaning too was "please don't eat me".
If there was people watching at that moment, they would probably roll there eyes upwards and sigh loudly how stupid I was. But it's not everyday that you nearly die on a plane with your friends and.........unless this is hell and I have done something so unspeakable that thi...

My thoughts where quickly interrupted, by a loud growl in my ear and his voice saying "I will never hurt or kill you. You are the only thing stopping me from ripping this mere universe apart with my bare hands. You are mine and mine alone" he let out a long annoyed sigh and said whilst unwrapping his arm from around my waist "this place is neither heaven nor hell, to be quite honest my beautiful mate. This is Iodin a place of my creation. Outside of this building is my ancient home, of all my creations. My creations have many names over the centuries, by mankind/human race they have been: shifters, monsters, vampires, witches, warlock and a couple of my experiments. But above all they are called Darkling's, the other names are just there shell, a meagre design of what they truly are" instead of fleeing the room, I was so intrigued, that I decided to stay for the moment and listen to what he was saying. So I turned around and asked "so why am I here, if this is not the afterlife?" He gave me a small smile and said "as much as dislike the human kingdom here, that guard should be praised for him bringing you to me. You see, he has given you a stronger dose of the Helack. If you weren't my mate, you would be dead by now. You are in a state of what the universe calls 'BodySleep', where the body has an internal wall where nothing can penetrate not even the worst of diseases or viruses can brake. Once the 'BodySleep' is lifted, the internal wall will leave, but will leave an imprint of itself on your body, for the future." I looked at him shocked and asked "so does that mean if I am able to go back to my own time and place, no disease and virus will make me ill or make me die from it in the future?" He gritted his teeth for a moment and then said in a calm voice "yes, although you can always die from other things. But that is what happens. Your friends are in the 'same boat' as you call it. But my mate, please do not say things like that of leaving me or even death"

I was about to say sorry and ask more about him, when a invisible force grabbed me from behind and seamed to drag me backwards. I looked at him scared, he looked at me with horror and said whilst running towards me "no, you are not taking her back. She is MINE" I let out a scream, as I was thrown through a whirlpool, not knowing where I was going, just hoping that I would wake up.

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