Alices POV

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My eyes through open and quickly I shot up in bed gasping for breath, as my throat felt like it was on fire. It slowly began to cool down, but know my throat ached like mad, as if I was recovering from a throat infection.

Once I got my bearings right, I looked around the room that I was in.
The room was large and shone with crystals, that where sparkling off the golden walls. Beautiful Greek mosaics covered the floor, they ranged from animals to gods. White silk like cloths hung from the beams that stood around the outline of the room. Beautiful cream coloured vases with lilies and red English roses, in there own way bringing natural beauty into the room.

I stopped looking around the room, when three loud "Alice, you are awake", came from behind me. Once I turned around, sure enough behind me stood: Heather, Susan and Olive. They wore what looked like huge, black fur coats.

I looked at them confused, whilst looking around the room that we where in and asked "does anyone know where we are?" Heather said whilst picking up something that looked very close to a apricot, but instead of its usual yellowish-orangish colour, it was bright purple and smelled strongly of a mixture between peppermint and a raspberry "I don't think either of us have figured that out yet. All we know is that we are apparently mates to some of the 'Beasts of the FireWall'. We where all waiting for you to wake up" she bit into the fruit moaning happily, whilst sitting on the nearby Greek styled bed. Olive said whilst rolling her eyes "too much information for a girl who has just woken up, Heather" she walked over to me and said in a gentle voice whilst picking up the strange apricot "all you need to know Alice, is that we have been here a whole day. It's the evening know. You are the last to wake up. We will tell you the rest once you have eaten something and before Heather eats all the purple fruit" she gave me the purple fruit and sat down next to me. She must of seen the unsure look on my face, because she said "the purple fruit helps the immune system work better than before and has a lot of nutritions" without another word I bit into it and moaned at the taste, it tasted like a strawberry chocolate with a hint of vanilla, in the shape of a purple apricot.

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