Alices POV

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The sun had just set and I was still looking over the books that I was given. Olive, Heather and Susan had given up persuading me to stop looking at the 23 ancient books of Darkling and human history alike, but it was mostly Darkling history than human history.

Instead my friends, brought there bedding into the silver library, only lit by a ruby chandelier in the centre of the ceiling.
The room was bare except for two large black oak bookcases and a long black table, where all 23 books lay scattered on it. I had just finished the third book of the large Darkling history books, they where:

1)The Gods and Goddesses of the planet of the Unknown Ones.
2)Healing arts and science.
3)The Hidden Secret Of Golden Star.

Only a few people could read 'The Hidden Secret Of Golden Star' and for good reason. It stated that underneath the Royal Palace of Golden Star, was a large oval room with the doorway to the Darkling land, in the centre. Only a Darkling or a trusted human, could go there.
The room where the doorway was held, was described as an ancient unknown tomb with walls covered in gold and ancient writings in black ink. With four, large, monstrous beings, made out of black treacle like stone.
These monstrous beings of stones, where bowing down to the doorway to the Darkling land, as if waiting for someone or something higher than themselves.
What this room was missing was the coffin of a person that this tomb was made for, but some Darkling and also human historians alike, say that it wasn't a tomb at all, it was the place where the 'Dark One' would come with his many demons and take over the universe and make a knew one in its place. Some said it was the true face of the Darkling creator, whilst others said it was the Darkling's way of scaring the human king of Golden Star. If this was the case then it was most definitely working.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a warm hand on my right shoulder, I slowly turned to face the owner of the hand, but all I could see was a bleary picture of an outline of a person.
A loud yawn escaped, before I could stop it. Then all of a sudden I was picked up by the person and then a deep, husky male and dangerous voice whispering "sleep my beautiful mate and dream of me" with that I let sleep take over.

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