Chapter 84

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(All translations where found on a translator website called fun translations, I take no credit of this)
Vulom los coming.
Zu'u aal smell nii nau fin su.
Zu'u aal taste nii nau fin ven.
Wah krif aan coming grah, tol aal neh oblaan.
Nuz zu'u hold to fin kruziik pact se wuth ahrk meyz wah niin bel.
Tolle wo dir nau daar krah grah frod, fen loost unslaad drem, nuz fah mu wo remain fen heed niin bel until fin viir se fin jun.
Viir protector se los vigil ro se existence.    
Darkness is coming.
I can smell it on the air.
I can taste it on the wind.
To fight a coming battle, that may never end.
But I hold to the ancient pact of old and come to its call.
Those who die on this cold battle field, will have eternal peace, but for us who remain will heed its call until the dying of the light.
The protectors of the fragile balance of existence)

The Skelside Fortress was a hustle and bustle of warriors running around whilst grabbing weapons and putting armour on in there wake.

Jaddreirth was currently back in the high lords office, with both his hands on the edge of the table glaring at his once trusted mentor with disgust. How could his so called 'friend', 'mentor' and 'brother' betray him, even betray everyone in the Skelside Fortress?

The high lord sighed sadly and said whilst getting up from his seat "please Jaddreirth, I was in pain and believed....I....sigh....believed the words of a's not evil madman. When you come back from a mission, to see your whole family burned to death and the only proof of the culprit is a golden scale, you would of done the same and believed it was the golden dragons of Zanatoo" Jaddreirth scoffed and said "no, I would not have jumped to conclusions, no matter how clear the signs where. You where even the one who taught me, that nothing is true and never take the easy way out because you will probably make a mistake or regret it for the rest of your life" he shut his eyes, breathed out a long sigh and then said as he opened them again "no, this is not the time for this. I have to join my men in the hall, we will not all be able to make it back, but that is the price to pay for this fragile balance" he then said in a serious tone as he opened the door to leave "when I get back...and believe me I will. I will make sure that so called 'Council member' will come to the painfullest justice that he so rightfully deserves and you will join him. Let's just hope that you haven't already torn the fragile balance, to a point of no return" and with that Jaddreirth left the high lord to his misery.

Jaddreirth and everyone in The Skelside Fortress, had just stepped through a doorway to the in between world, where they were met by deserts and the hot sun. The black panthers that stood by the entrance hall, now flanked Jaddreirth on either side of him.

Jaddreirth, looked at his fellow warriors. To these warriors, they didn't need to say anything or do anything to know that for the fragile balance of the human world, the mythical world and the magical world, they would gladly sacrifice there immortal lives.
But Jaddreirth, for the first time in his existence he wanted to address these brave warriors, so he stepped out of the line, turned to face the brave warriors with respect and honour and said "my dear brothers and sisters of old. We maybe betrayed by the high lord himself..." hisses, spits and curses irrupted from the 10 thousand strong line, once it had died down he carried on "but we all hold tightly to the ancient pact, that was written those thousands of years ago. That even if we die protecting it, we will never let the fragile balance of are existence come to light and destroy everything that we had finally gained once more...peace, love, family and hope for a better tomorrow for all of are people. To some it maybe a worthless piece of paper and that we are stronger than the humans and can wipe them out, but that is not are way. We are the protectors, no matter who or what they are. Today we stand once more, against the monstrous creatures of the 'Dark One' and that of the prisoner dragon. But we shall be once more victorious together" a half-Elven from the crowd yelled "let them taste are metal and make them regret that they where even made" Jaddreirth smiled as the crowd yelled in agreement. And then turned to face the oncoming threat.

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