Alice's POV

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It had been two days, two very long days getting my head around that I had time traveled back to Roman Pompeii, 3 months before the historic destruction. That Mr Young had temporarily taken over a Germanium general's body and that I was to be under the wing of him as well.
To most people, it would of taken a lot more days to get there head around this, but to someone like me that had to think fast, in some situations this was sort of the norm.
I sat down on the edge of the small fountain in the courtyard, breathing in the cool night air with Helen standing next to me. I said as I closed my eyes and breathed in the crisp cool air "Please sit next to me Helen, it must be uncomfortable standing there" Helen said nervously "this servant does not dare" I let out along sigh and said as I opened my eyes "I thought we where friends" Helen rushed over to me and said "this servant is happy that mistress sees me as her friend. But I dare not go against master, when he sees me close with you he hates me and....sob" my eyes widened with horror I grabbed her shoulders and said "please Helen, what does he do to you. Has he touched..?" Helens eyes widened in horror and said "no mistress, he has never laid a hand on me in that way. Since he changed a couple of days ago, from a loving kind master, whenever you are not around he..gets his stick and beats us saying that you are his that no one dares to come anywhere near you" I got up from the fountain and marched towards his office, with Helen following behind me.
When I got to the door to the office, I knocked it, when I heard "come in" I banged open the doors to see him sitting at his desk wearing a toga. He looked at me lovingly, but it quickly vanished when he saw the look on my face he asked "Alice, what...?" All I could muster was "you bastard, how could you be Just because I have found some comfort in this hell living with you, with a new friend does not mean you have the right to harm her so much that she fears having me as a friend. Just because you have inhabited a general doesn't mean you can do this. If you don't stop, I will leave this place and never come back" at this point I was so angry that I was crying. He looked at me alarmed and said that shocked me "I didn't realise he was doing that, when this devil of a man takes over sometimes, I black out. You are the only thing in this world I value, I have never known love, not from my family or my so called friends until I met you. Please let me have a chance to earn your trust and....maybe one day your love"

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