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After applying the cold towel, to Vegahr Nix's right wrist and using the Darkling power that lay inside him to heal the burn and stop the sizzling flesh. He walked over to the fresh water sink, grabbed the ends of the sink and asked "he is making his move, isn't he?" He heard Vegahr Nix get up off the stall and say "I don't know what you mean, Hellion" at this he turned around to face Vegahr Nix and yelled "you may fool all the others, but not your experiments, master. Do you know that it is killing myself and Falon the Eagle, to not tell are mates the truth of are existence. That the pain without a mate to call my own is far less painful than what is happening right now. And now you don't have the decency to tell us that 'he' is braking through your walls!!" He was so tempted to take out his anger out on something, anything. But he didn't, he just picked the hammer next to him and throw it to the other side of the room. To someone else, it would seem that he was childish and thoughtless, but he didn't care at that moment.

Vegahr Nix asked angrily "don't you think, I want to tell you and Falon the Eagle about it. I can't, you know I can't. You now what will happen if I do" Hellion just scoffed and said "oh yes, the keepers of the old religion will make it difficult for us. Ha, have you forgotten what happened the last time they helped 'him' escape, hmmm. They made such a stupid mistake of letting 'him' free, that they nearly destroyed the whole order in one wave of 'his' hand. The only reason why he is back 'there' is because we helped them chain 'him' up again. The worst they can do, is not let us hunt the Monoo" he then looked down at the floor of his workshop and then back up at Vegahr Nix and said sadly "the only thing I fear, is telling my beautiful mate the truth. I dread the day, when I have to tell her" Vegahr Nix, patted Hellion's right shoulder with his good left hand and said "you are not the only one" then he said "tonight before the evening meal, I have asked everyone that has mates to come to the courtyard. I have something special for are mates, that I think they will be very happy about" and with that Vegahr Nix left, with his right wrist slowly healing. Leaving a torn Hellion to grit his teeth in frustration.

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