Chapter 18

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Falon the Eagle stood at the highest point of Mt Gunta. Mt Gunta was his own little hideaway, no one knew of this, not even his maker. This place was the only place that he felt like he was real, that he actually mattered and had the right to live.

He nor anyone else knew of his past, before being a experiment to be the first ever warrior, not even the gods themselves answered his questions.

Being a 'thing' of nightmares, for Darkling and other beings of the darkness that where the servants of his maker. He never dreamed of having a mate, to call his own.
She was a golden light in his sea of darkness, a darkness that nearly swallowed him whole. He could still picture her beautiful face, as if carved out of gold from the golden mountain of Rontor. Her beautiful golden hair, her kind and loving character. Above all her beautiful smile that stopped him in his tracts for a moment or two. He knew that she needed time to get her head around, having two mates, let alone that her two mates where the first ever species of the Darkling race.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when, his two trusted companions Gunther and Helen, nudged his legs. He looked down with a smile on his face, Gunther and Helen where LionFors of the tropical planes of the east. Half Lion, Half Tiger animal with golden wings, they were also seen as a abomination, something that shouldn't exist.

Helen wined whilst lying down next to him "Falon, why can't I see your mate. I want to see her and talk to her as a female" Gunther her mate, walked around her and nipped her right ear playfully and said "The human woman, needs time to adjust to this world my love. It is probably a bit scary for her to find out this place exists. Falon also wants to meet her more, we are lucky we are both born to this world, she is not" Helen just rolled her eyes, at this her mate gave out a bark of laughter. Helen was a young pup of only 110(16 in human age), whilst Gunther was 2221(31 in human age), they both had agreed that when Helen had turned 20 in human age, then they would think of starting a family.

Footsteps came from behind them and then Hellion the blacksmith's voice asked "what brings the first warrior here?" Falon turned towards Hellion and said "I needed time to think for a moment" at this Hellion raised his right eyebrow, but didn't say anything as he walked towards him. Falon didn't have the energy to tell Hellion to leave him alone, he had other pressing matters to think about.

After awhile Falon said whilst sighing "I know why you are here Hellion, I really don't want to hear it" Hellion sighed and said "Falon, they need to know sometime soon. We can't hide it from them too long" he shut his eyes tight and then opened whilst asking "if you where in my position, would you be able to tell your mate the truth of are existence. The only one that we have searched for are inter existence and nearly go insane, with the agonising wait. The truth?" There was a long silence and then Hellion gave out a defeated sigh "no, I don't think I would" he gave a dry laugh and said "to be quite honest Falon, I didn't expect, at my age that I would find my mate. But in the last day and a half, being around my beautiful mate and hearing her strange sounds coming out of her mouth, I have never felt so happy in my inter existence. Although maybe it's best, that I never had a mate to begin with, I dread the day that I have to tell her the reason for are existence".

A loud bang and growl echoed off the FireWall, as another crazy mad Darkling tried to break through the wall. Falon and Hellion looked at each other with fear, sooner or later the FireWall would crumble away, once this happened millions of crazy mad Darkling's would kill all the humans in sight except there mates and the true purpose of the Darkling race would come to Fruition.

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