Drogdrannith POV

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They say when the universe gives you a second chance, grab it with both hands and never let it go. He never thought that he would be blessed with a second chance, let alone from the universe it's self, but here he was with his beautiful mate in his arms as he carried her to her temporary bedroom.

He couldn't help but stare at her  beautiful long wavy hair that he wished to run his hands through, her blushed face and ruby like like lips that took everything in him not to kiss her then and there.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when, his first ever experiment that he never named himself cleared his throat and said "Drogdrannith, you need to focus you are slowly changing into your true form" his head shot up to see his disgusting disfigured, first experiment with dislike, how dare he stand in his mates room, yes he too was her mate but still a thing like that should never have existed in the first place. But he did look down and sure enough, his hands where slowly turning to red spiked claws on his fingers and whilst his hands where turning to his pitch black scales, if he moved one inch then he would scratch his beautiful mate.

He looked at his experiment with distaste, but he knew that he had to leave before his human shell collapsed in on itself if he couldn't have restrain on his feelings. With a angry growl, not too loud for the humans or his Alice that was in his arms, but enough to warn 'him' not to get too comfortable, he reluctantly handed Alice to 'him', making sure that 'he' had her safely tucked against 'him', Drogdrannith left to control himself.

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