Alice POV

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They say that when your fate comes, it is like a slow moving picture, but I had always brushed it off, saying that there is many things to die from, surely it doesn't come quick. But maybe I was wrong.

One minute myself, my friends and the women that had just been taken here, where shut away in the hall and safe. The next minute I knew all the women in the room where dead, with a group of men and Ms Duncan all standing in the room with relief written on there faces and then I felt something hard and pointy enter me. I looked down to see a large red handed dagger sticking out of my tummy, as I closed my eyes I knew in that moment this was to be my fate....well I thought I did.

When my eyes opened once more, I found myself in a beautiful lavender field, with a large oak tree in the centre of it. Behind the large oak tree, walked a beautiful woman the skin the same colour as the tree with long green wavy hair with slivers of grey. She wore a long white gown that matched the clouds and she wore nothing on her feat.

She smiled at me kindly, as she walked towards me and then bowed to me then said "welcome, daughter of man. I have waited a very long to meet you"
I looked at her confused and asked politely "sorry, I don't mean to be rude. But who are you?" She straightened up, and said in a riddle "I am daughter of Mother Nature and Farther Time himself. I hold the destiny's of all things and the reason for there ends. You may call me Sister Fate, for that is my calling and my reason for existing " I slowly nodded whilst looking around my new surroundings, I then turned to face Sister Fate and asked "is this heaven?" She picked up a small daffodil that rested against her right foot and said in a motherly tone with a smile on her face "do not fret Alice. This is not heaven...well not yet anyway. This is the doorway for all who have passed on and to be weighed" I looked at her worried and asked "I am to be weighed?" She tilted her head to the right and asked whilst putting the daffodil behind her right ear "you really think, that this is your time?" I just looked at her confused and said "well, yes. After all myself, my friends and the women who were in the hall have just been killed" she said in a serious type tone, whilst making a water like mirror in midair in front of me "you and your friends are the universes saviours, including your race. I will show you what will happen, if you are not sent back to the living" once the bubbles had cleared, I gasped in horror, with Sister Fates voice next to me.

Rivers of blood covered all plants and dimensions, skeletons of humans and beings I had never seen before, littered the red planets. Planets falling from their spots in the universe crumbling away or even exploding. Screams and cry's of beings, running for there lives, as buildings and monuments toppled into seas and earth, even buildings of power. I heard Sister Fates voice in the background "you see Alice. If you and the women that came with you died, then the universe and everything in it will be destroyed. Not by my mother, farther or mankind's constant greed, but by the Darkling's in there madness and grief of losing there mate. To think to lose the most precious thing, you have been searching for all this time. Only for it to be ripped from you, just when you found it" the smoke disappeared and in its place where my mates and the other peoples mates, with billions of other Darkling's behind them, with red tattoos burning black. As quickly as it came, it quickly disappeared.

I looked at Sister Fate, shocked. She only gave me a sad smile and said "you see Alice. You are destined, to become the beacon for hope" she picked up my right hand and said "I don't usually do this, but if you would like I can tell you how you will truly die" I said with as much courage as I could possible make "yes, I would like that" she patted my right hand, as a mother would, to tell someone it would be alright "you will have a beautiful baby girl called Lucy, with your mates. She will be your little star.
You will have a peaceful, happy life until you're 31st birthday. Your death will be unexpected, no ailment or disease will be your fate, but of murder" I swallowed hard, I thought I could be brave to hear my fate, but it didn't, I instead felt cold as if someone had walked over my grave.

I felt a light tap on my right shoulder, she smiled softly and said "I'm sorry Alice. I cannot send you back to that dimension. Even though you will be alive once more and with your friends.
If I send you back to that dimension, the fine thread of time will be twisted, after all you, your friends and the women that came to the dimension are suppose to be all dead. I will send you to your own time, a week before the airplane crash and the corse of events that led to it will be wiped away." She looked at me sternly whilst waving her arms in a circle in front of me "don't forget, you are your planets and the universes saviour. You need to not die, until the chosen day of your 31st birthday, if you don't then universe and everything in it will be destroyed" I gave her a quick nod and with that I blanked out again, not realising I would forget all that had happened except for my fate.

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