Chapter 95

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(All translations where found on a translator website called fun translations, I take no credit of this. I only take credit of what I put in the translator)

Na heni- i fuin, cin must heni- i galad.
With a slight act ben change temperament -o i past, tur- gar- i i keui na i truth,
baw ron how dúr ha tur- n-.
An truth na- more precious a mír than mal plural mel.
Ir knowing i truth tur- save all. 

In English
To understand the darkness, you must understand the light.
With a slight act or change temperament of the past, can hold the the key to the truth, no matter how dark it can be.
For truth is more precious and valuable than gold.
When knowing the truth can save all.


Mr Whittle, breathed a long frustrated sigh, trickles of the enemy had made themselves known on the local news.

He sat in the underground secret bunker, with the rest of the secret service agents that survived the war, from a couple of days ago. They where in the lounge area, watching the TV with uncertainty.

It was on the BBC at 6 o'clock. A man with bolding hair was standing on a now, what looked like a bombed street, what you would expect in WW2 or even a war torn country. The man was saying:
"Two days ago, on a once peaceful, happy neighbourhood, in a small village just outside Cornwall. Was changed forever.

On that morning, without any explosion or even a warning in sight, this neighbourhood was flattened. Men, women and children of all ages, torn to threads as they laid in there beds, no news of what killed them, this.."

One of the last leaders of the secret service, Mr Stan, turned the TV off and with a heavy sigh turned to the rest of the people in the room and said "it as Jaddreirth said, the enemy is now with us" one of the women in the room asked "and how are we going to open the leaders of the worlds eyes, that 'they' exist?" Mr Stan gave her a smirk and said "that is easy.." he motioned behind him and in stepped one of the enemy that they had fought against, that had been, by chance captured. It was hissing and spitting, but it was also speaking "hiss, my master time is coming. Hiss, your race will be turned to asshh soon enough, hiss" the creature didn't realise that it was being filmed, it was too busy praising his masters return.
That it was live streaming to all the leaders of the world and finally would turn the tide of the war, because of this recording, the human race would repair the ancient pact.

Two weeks later
At Jaddreirth's tent

Jaddreirth rolled his eyes at Lord Finnonn and said "okay, you can say it" Lord Finnonn, sipped at his water and said gently "it is only natural to think the worst, when you think all is lost" Jaddreirth gave him a thankful smile, then got off from his chair and picked up his map whilst saying "hmm, something seems odd though" Lord Finnonn raised his eyebrow and asked intrigued "what do you mean?" Jaddreirth looked at the map confused, put it back down on the table then sat down on the edge of it with his arms crossed of his chest and said "not that I am complaining about the red dragons minions, making themselves known to the human race. But if you where 'him', wouldn't you destroy us all first, before making yourself known to the humans. To make the human race defenceless without us there. If I was in 'his' shoes, after being imprisoned for so long, I would want the human race to be as defenceless as possible. Why would he do that now, whilst we are still alive to help the human race survive the fighting this is to come" Lord Finnonn got up from his chair with a heavy heart and said "there is something you need to know. Thousands of years ago, when the race of man was young, before are betrayal. A small Cornish Celtic covern, holds and still does, I parv -o i universe's (The Book Of The Universe's), if he destroyed us all he wouldn't have the power to find the book. You see all of us: from the witches to the shapeshifters. We all have a pulsing energy, if we where all gone, he would never be able to have enough of the energy to find it and take it. Luckily it is but one of four books, the others luckily no one knows" Jaddreirth glared at Lord Finnonn annoyed and asked "why in the universe did you not tell me?" He looked him without blinking "you didn't need to know" before Jaddreirth could answer, Mr Whittle opened the tent flap and looked between Jaddreirth and Lord Finnonn and asked unsure whilst feeling uneasiness in the air "is everything okay?" Jaddreirth gave Lord Finnonn one last glare, before turning to Mr Whittle and say "everything is okay. Just elves being bloody elves and keeping more secrets than they should. Now let's talk to your leaders, let's hope they are going to be more truthful"

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