The Ceremony

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Ever since the human kingdom and the 'Beasts of the FireWall', made the alliance. The ceremony of the 'Eve Of The Dark Wolf', was always held on this night. But due to humans being very late, they had to postpone the ceremony, which was not the wisest of choices. If the ceremony was a day late, there was a high chance that if the human women where not mates to the 'Beasts of the FireWall', not only was the human woman would be in mortal danger, but also the human kingdom if things got out of hand. The pain of living for so long without a mate, would be too much and there Darkling, there true form, would brake free and go on a rampage of death and destruction. After all the ceremony was the only thing that made there Darkling form more restrained as if invisible shackles where holding the Darkling in place, after the day after the ceremony..well that was a different case and the Darkling/Monster would lose control.

The ceremony was held in the entrance of the 'Forest of lost souls', it was the only living forest in 'The Frozen Wasteland's of the North'. But it was not like your usual green forest, it was the colour of dark red, as if the victim's blond of so many maidens had stained the trees forever.
In front of the 'Forest of lost souls', was a black statue of a disfigured wolf curling inwards, it had: spikes up and down its spine, red ruby like eyes, the only other colour on the statue was its golden curved horns on top of its head that covered outwards and a tail of a scorpion. This was the creators first warrior and experiment, some say it was the keeper of the fort, others said it just one of the creators pets.
No one knew why he was portrayed in this statue, but one thing was sure that there has never been a statue of there creator, after all who is stupid or brave enough to ask the creator for his true form.

The four women sat on wooden chairs, they were all unconscious, as well as the women called Susan, nocked out by a powerful drug. They thought it was wise for the women, not to see the eyes of deaths. Everyone knew that the women called Susan was the blacksmith's mate and also the women called Olive was the mate of one of the guards that welcomed Advisor Daniels at the gate, called Falor.
There was no one else, except a hooded figure dressed in a crimson cloak with the same figure that stood near the statue. He stood in front of the statue, with a golden cauldron in front of him, he was bowing his head in front of the cauldron whilst chanting an ancient language of the Darkling race, a chant that would awaken the creator of all shifter and Darkling alike.

The once nonactive cauldron, was know spitting and hissing with black treacle like substance.
The hooded figure, threw back his head.
Once he did that, his true face appeared, he had: a bold head with ancient Darkling words criss crossing his his head, it was a mixture of what looked like between a Egyptian and Chinese language.
From his right eye to his left cheek was the picture of Haforset the dark god of the Darkling race, that was said to have birthed the creator of the Darkling and shifter race.
His eyes where like diamonds, as if someone had taken his eyes and put diamonds in its place, to a human that would be the case, but the shifters and Darkling's this where his true eyes. These eyes where the eyes of Haforset.

He looked up at the sky, his face know visible said "are creator of all shifter and Darkling alike, I welcome you from the depths of the universe. From your prison of golden chains, oh Lord of darkness. Your servant welcomes you and the first warrior himself back, with open arms. I humbly seek your forgiveness for this late ceremony, but I hope you shall forgive us, once we have shown you the maidens. Hopefully one of these women gathered will be your mate". There was dead silence for a bit and then a black whirlpool appeared on his right hand side and two figures stepped out of it.

The two figures that stepped out of the whirlpool, was non other than the creator himself and the first ever warrior/experiment.

The creator that was on the right had: long black braided hair, with talons and claws hanging from the tips. Dark red eyes, bronze and muscular chest, with gun shot and sword wounds crisscrossing his chest. He wore a large black fur coat and black hide trousers, this was one of his many forms.

The first ever warrior/experiment on the left, was completely different: long shaggy treacle like hair, a large scar that covered from his right half of his face to half way down his right side of his chest, with also experiment wounds on his chest and arms. He only wore almost dragon like scale trousers and like all Darkling's, shifters and the one other experiment, they wore no shoes of any kind on there feet.

Behind them came out running from the whirlpool, an elderly gentlemen. He had black glasses, was bold, wore a blue tunic and was looking around the place as if he had never been here before, which was very odd considering that he had been here since the uneasy alliance.
He bowed before the creator and the first ever warrior and said quickly "please forgive this servant my lord. I was running a bit late" the creator just raised his right eyebrow, the man blushed bright red and said "okay, I was very late. But not as late as some people though" at this he casted his annoyed glance to the human that escorted the human woman here. The human that brought the women to the clearing, bit his bottom lip hard, to stop him from speaking back to him, after all it wasn't his fault there wasn't any willing humans to bring to the ceremony or even Advisor Daniels to put the blame on, he had already slithered underneath his stupid rock.

With the quick movement of the creators head, the bold headed man, quickly rushed over to the woman and looked them over as if they where cattle. With a loud tutting, he looked at the human and asked angrily "do you humans want to live, or are you all so eager for death, hmm?!" The human looked at the women and then back at the man and said in disbelief "of course not, this is the reason why we are forced to do this every year. For survival of are race. They are well and healthy, are doctors even checked them out" the man raised his eyebrow and said "oh really. Then who is stupid enough to give these women enough Helack (a herb that is half lavender and half poison weed. In good hands, will nock out a patient for treatment or to kill a animal humanly. In the wrong hands, it will quickly lead to death) to kill two Hawknor's let alone one and also disguise the mate smell" He gave the human one last glare whilst saying "it is a good thing all the women here have mates, except for one at the moment. If this wasn't the case, your race would be extinct by know and leave you last, to watch your stupid failure. I have enough medicine for all the humans here to be cured, just send me to the fort" then he whispered underneath his breath, whilst the creator, the first warrior and all the shifters that where present where shaking with dangerous, red hot anger "I cannot believe stupid beings exist, sheesh. And they call us barbaric".

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