Chapter 41

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Valraren(Falor), looked over the map of the landscape of a small part of the Mexican jungle, where one of the the prisons of the creators ancient army was held.

They had been camping for 5 days, after he had a feeling that something was here, he couldn't pin point the name of the place that they where in, after all living this long everything looked and smelled the same to him and the Darkling race. But this morning, a Havaniun scout(something between a black panther and a scorpion, that are good at blending into things and are the Darkling creator's faithful servants), had reported that he had found the prison in question, that was the burial ground of a chieftain of old.

But they couldn't just go without any planning, after all this was the century where mankind/human race, had excelled in many things including technology. Himself, his men and the Havaniun scouts needed to plan ahead, so the humans wouldn't think anything was amiss, after all talking to the Havaniun scouts which where most of the time camouflaged into the scenery and only showed themselves to there master the Darkling creator and to speak to a Darkling, it would seem odd and probably investigate. Even though he hungered for human flesh, long gone was his sanity, humans being humans they would never let it go and one day it would come back and hit them back hard, for there mistake.

He was pulled out of his thoughts, when he heard a voice that he never thought he would ever hear again, in the distance "hey, I'm not going anywhere mister. My uncle is the head archaeologist of this sight and I am his helper for the next couple of days." He left his tent and sure enough there standing in the middle of the campsite, wearing: a long dark green top, brown jeans and her red curly hair in a messed up bun, her green eyes wild and was pointy one of her fingers at his second in commands face, was his Olive. HIS OLIVE.

Then her beautiful green eyes found him and then marched up to him, with all the Darkling's and the Havaniun scouts looked at him shocked, usually they let out a toxin to make humans uneasy around and certainly not with the attitude that this human, but after all she was his mate, his mate that was long dead.

Before he even made one step towards her, Professor Robert Gregory quickly walked passed him, walked over to Olive and said "common Olive, don't make a scene. I know you are meaning well and only going to ask Mr Fray for some extra days, but I don't think today is the time for that, wait until Monday" and with that they both left leaving Valraren to dig his claws into his human shell, of a temporary human body.

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