Alice's POV

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I looked at my digital clock on my brown curved desk, with annoyance as it read 18:00(6pm) and then at 12 stakes of papers to sign, look over and fill out, out of 36 papers. It wouldn't of been to bad, if my phone kept on pinging like mad from my 'admirer' all through the night and then tipping my bonfire spiced latte all down my top before I even had a sip of it.
I had skipped breakfast and only had a chocolate bar from the vending machine, with great difficulty since the machine kept on getting stuck half way through turning, so 5 50p's later and practically all my spare change gone, I had a mushed up Turkish delight bar.

I was pulled out of my thoughts, when my only male friend and confidant Frank Hunt, came over to me carrying two Starbucks coffee cups and a box of what smelled like food. He looked at me confused and asked whilst handing me one of the Starbucks coffee cups "where is everyone, why are you all alone at this time of day?" I didn't answer him at first, because I needed coffee to wake myself up and moaned happily as I could taste my favourite drink from Starbucks, white chocolate mocha. I only had the rare one when I got paid to treat myself since they where a bit expensive to buy and I couldn't live off them to wake myself up in the morning.

I put the drink down and then said looking up his short red hair and green eyes "thank you Frank, you are a lifesaver" then I cleared my throat and said "Mr Young is having a meeting with a new member of the board at 7pm, that has just come back from Romania. He asked everyone to leave except for me" I looked at him confused and asked "speaking of which, why are you here?" He grabbed the nearest chair and sat down with a long sigh and said "the bastard broke up with me and left the rent for the next three months for me to find. I just wanted to get away from all the drama and do what I know I'm good at" I put a hand on his right hand and said lovingly "you will find the one, I know you will. Who is stupid enough not to realise what a great man and boyfriend you are?" He looked at me all chocked up, trying not to cry he put the box that he still had in his hands, he fallowed my gaze and with a smile he put it on the table and said whilst opening it "I saw, that you where still here, so I got myself and you some food from the night market down the street, your favourite Japanese restaurant" he looked at me confused and asked seeing me lick my lips "have you eaten today?" I blushed bright red embarrassed and said "not really, unless you take a mushed up Turkish delight bar from the vending machine" it was his turn to comfort me, he put his right hand on my left hand and asked "its that 'person' again, right?" I swallowed hard, Frank was the only one who knew about my 'admirer' only by accident, he had overheard me one day, after I had the guts to ring my 'admirer' back to plead for him to leave me alone and well you can't actually tell someone they didn't hear anything when they are literally right behind you, so I told him all about it.

I shook my head and said whilst lifting the box trying to change the conversation "oh you have got my favourite ones" Frank gave a long sigh realising I wasn't going to say anything more, seeing the change in conversation that he was right and so we tucked into are tea fallowed by a couple of bakewells for dessert.

————————————————————————half an hour later————————————
Refreshed and ready for the meeting, I sat in Mr Young's office with my: laptop, calculator, pen, notebook and a bottle of water.

It was 10 minutes before the meeting started, when I heard footsteps walk towards the office. I straightened up, brushed my hair back over my shoulders and gave my most reassuring smile.

The door opened and in stepped Mr Young and another man that looked like he was in his late 30's, but something told me he was older than that.
He wore his long treacle like black unkept hair in a ponytail, he was built quite big, his skin was the colour of bronze, he wore a black suit, white tie and black trousers. I blushed bright red, as he caught me looking at him.

Mr Young smiled at me and said "Alice, thank you for staying" I still felt uncomfortable when he said my name, it felt like insects creeping up my arms, I know it is stupid to think that but he has always given me the creeps. I just gave him a small smile and a nod, because I didn't have much confidence in talking at that moment.

Mr Young motioned for the new member of the board, to sit in the chair on the other chair opposite me, whilst he took a chair to sit next to me and did the last thing I didn't expect from him, he touched my right knee. I sat there frozen, I didn't know where to look, so I quickly looked down at my laptop, whilst nervously playing with my pen.

Mr Young luckily let go of my right knee, crossed his hands in front of him and said "I'm very happy for you to be our new board member and in two days time I will hold a mini get together at my island getaway in Greece, where I will show you to the rest of the board members. They will be happy to meet you too, Mr Night" at the sound of the new board members name, I couldn't help but look at him shocked.

Mr Night, had come into the jewellery trade very recently, as recently as two weeks. In that short amount of time, he had made a name for himself, which was very rare and very impressive to make a name for himself in that amount of time.

Mr Night caught my eye, once he did he strangely grabbed the ends of the table that he was behind and gave me look of dark hunger and something much more darker, that I didn't know what to put a name to it. I quickly shook my head and began to take notes of the meeting on my laptop, all the while the handsome Mr Night's hungry gaze on me.

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