Alices POV

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After the talk with Mr Young's current inhabitant yesterday, I was aloud to leave the house as long as I had Helen and a bodyguard with me. I thought it was a tad bit over the top, but if it meant that I could finally be able to walk around Pompeii.

But I instantly regretted it, as I looked out of the sedan chair and looked at the hustle and bustle of Pompeii. A great sadness washed over me like a tide, that a tear escaped from my right eye, but I quickly wiped it away not realising that Helen had seen my gesture. She put a hand on my right shoulder and said "my lady, are you well?" I only gave her a small smile and responded with a "it's just a bit of tiredness, I am well thank you Helen" then leaned back into the sedan, as we traveled to the market place, with questions running around my head how can I tell Helen that Pompeii in a couple months time will be under ash along with its Inhabitants? If I warn her and tell her to escape here will she think me mad? No, people say that you cannot meddle with time, if you do, then worse things will happen.

I breathed out a long sigh, to calm the guilt inside and also so my wings wouldn't come out and scare everyone here. But as soon as I did that, a loud scream irrupted from outside of the sedan to my right, I was about to lift the curtain when Helen grabbed my right hand quickly and said with a calm voice as she possibly could "you don't have to worry my lady. It's just some new monsters for the arena, they are feared but they won't harm anyone with the metal cuffs around there wrists" I looked at her intrigued and asked "what do mean by monsters, do you mean monsters as in new animals?" Helen looked at me nervously and then said "in a way yes, but not what you would except. You see my lady. They have the shell of a man, but when they are angered or even in the arena they change....into things...not quite animal, but not quite human either. The owners of the arena have tried to give them female slaves to make more of there kind, but they have been found with there.....sob....there insides out and....and.....oh please my lady....oh please my lady don't ask anymore" I held her as she sobbed against me. Something or someone  hit the sedan, it must of been by accident, because the next thing I new the curtain next to blew up a bit to see a wild mans features, but the eyes are what made stop and stare. Those eyes, those same eyes I had seen before, but it couldn't be could it. As soon as are eyes met, he said one word that made my question real "mate? MY MATE" as soon as he said that, the sedan stopped suddenly and two arms grabbed me from behind and pulled me out of the sedan backwards, which was quite hard considering Helen's arms where wrapped around me. But they finally pulled me out of the sedan and hit the ground so hard, that I winced as my bottom hit the pebble road, don't get me wrong I love old fashioned pebbled roads but not when someone drags you out of something and you land not very gracefully onto it.

My bodyguard, that I still didn't know the name of because of two things:
A)He had no tongue to tell me his name.
B)Aadolf never told me my bodyguard's name.

Helped me to my feet, with a grateful smile. I turned to face the person that had pulled me out. Two large gladiators stood in a threatening posture, with a senate in the middle of them, looking at me up and down with the most creepiest smile on his, if it's humanly possible more creepy than Mr Young and that was saying something. The senate looked at me and then at the sedan confused then asked as his head turned back to face me "why are you in General Stigandr De Veend's sedan?" I looked at him whilst dusting down my pale blue tunic "senate, I am under the care of General Stigandr for the time being" he looked at me intrigued now, his creepy smile gone thank goodness and said with a long sigh "well, that is too bad. I will give the General ample pay, in exchange for you and Helen. Sad though, I never thought I would see the day that are greatest General would finally be interested in a woman. Oh well. Come with us, we have a job for you and before you refuse girl, I will gladly kill Helen in front of you myself. Do I make myself clear?" I looked at Helen now standing next to me and squeezed her hand reassurance, then said to the senate "I agree, as long as you promise me Helen will be safe" the senate glared at me but said "yes I agree" and with that myself and Helen left with the senate and the wild man spitting mad behind me.

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