Susans POV

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I sat at the island table in the large cream kitchen, looking at Alice just looking into space whilst turning her Special K red berries to mush, with the tip of her spoon and she hadn't yet added the milk. I cleared my throat loudly and said "Alice, you can't keep doing this to yourself. You need to hand in your notice, before the person I know is gone forever" this made her pull out of her daze and said whilst giving her best reassuring smile "yes, you are right Susan. I promise tomorrow when we get back, the first thing I will do is write up my notice" at this I let out a loud 'eep' and hugged her tight which was quite hard considering we were both sitting on bar stools and said as I let go "there is the Alice, I know and love. You have got your spunk back" I looked down at her bowl of mushed up Special K and asked whilst passing her my other half of orange marmalade toast "yeah, um Alice. Do you want my other half? I don't think your cereal can be be saved" she looked down at her cereal, blushed bright red and said "maybe you are right, thank you" I got off from the stool and was about to change into my cream dress, when Alice asked unsure "Susan, is it too much of a ask if I...." I turned around and quickly interrupted her by saying "think nothing of it, I have more than enough clothes. You can have a pick of the lot, after all I don't think you would want to wear anymore of Mr Young's clothes" her mouth dropped open and asked "how much did you pack in that small bag?" I rolled my eyes and said "it's a good thing I did. You 3 always complain about how much I bring with us. Now common before the men wake up and we have to go back to business" she got off the stool and followed me to my temporary bedroom.

—————————————————a couple of minutes later———————————————
I had left Alice in my temporary bedroom, to look at the clothes for her to pick to wear, when I heard movement behind me. Something inside was screaming me not to turn around, but I ignored it. When I did I instantly regretted it, there walking towards me stretching a long brown rope was Mr Young, only wearing white trousers.

I swallowed hard and began to step sideways towards the other steps that led to the back of the house, but what I wasn't expecting was for him to throw back his head and laugh, whilst walking towards me he said trying to catch his breath "my dear Susan, do you really think I will let you take my woman from me, hmm?" I screamed at him "you are crazy!!" He let his head fall down and whispered "crazy, ha" his head then shot up and laughed maddening "crazy, you think I'm crazy. Ha ha ha, you ha ha ha, oh my lord that is priceless, ha ha ha ha you ha ha" he composed himself a bit and yelled whilst still stretching the rope "I was born by a mother that I never knew, because my so called 'birth farther' killed her after I was born. In his words before I ended his worthless life, was because he somehow knew who I was to become. But he didn't give a chance for me to move onto the right path. Oh and the 'kind', 'generous', so called bloody 'loving' Young family of London adopting me, only for me to become a bloody poster boy for their bloody business" he stopped yelling and said with a longing look on his face "then, oh then, I saw my Alice at my local coffee shop, with her beautiful twitching nose. I knew then and there, that no matter what this hell of an existence could bring me I knew that if I could have the honour to see my beautiful Alice, everyday" he turned to face me and said in a disgusting voice "but you had to tarnish it, didn't you. Well not to worry, you won't be alive long" I didn't see the plastic bottle that must of been there from last night, when I tripped over it and landed face first into the sand, before I got up the rope was around my neck and shocking the life out of me. I quickly began to scratch and dig my fingernails into his hands, that he was using for leverage but he only laughed and whispered into my right ear "you can make me bleed all you dam well please, it's nothing new to me" I was now seeing spots, I thought this was my time. I heard a distance raw, coming from somewhere as I let my hands fall loose and slowly succumbed to the darkness.

All of a sudden, the rope and Mr Young where both gone and now I was gasping for breath, as I breathed in the welcoming oxygen down my sore throat. I quickly blinked and then on unstable feet I began to look around to find my saviour. When I did I gasped aloud as I saw Mr Young being held upside down by the same man from the shop a couple of days ago, I hated to admit it but he looked even more handsome than before.
His hair was undone and was waving in the wind, he had the body of a Greek god but even more so if that was even possible, he must have superhuman strength to hold Mr Young that high in the air without having a sweat and he only wore brown swade trousers that I thought he should be boiling in but he didn't seem to be or maybe didn't seem to care.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, after all even though Mr Young did try and kill me, I didn't want my saviour to be sent to jail.
I was about to walk over to him, but as I tried to do so, I lost my balance and was about to hit the sand for the second time when I felt big arms wrap around my waist and pull me against a large chest. I looked up to see my rescuer with wonder, he just smiled and kissed my forehead softly whilst saying "I thought I was going to lose you for the second time, if that happened I don't think I would be able to control myself anymore" I looked at him confused, then my eyes widened even more when I saw that Mr Young, now unconscious still hanging in midair with no support. I then looked back at him and asked the first thing that came to my mind "what are you?" His head fell to his chest, breathed out a long sigh, lifted it and was about to say something when I saw Mr Night and a look that could kill on his face, walk up behind him.

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