Chapter 39

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Liorn couldn't sleep that night on the first night of being invited by Mr Young, whilst finding out that the creator of the Darkling race was also invited, along with his beautiful mate and her friend.

When he laid his eyes once more on Alice, it felt like like someone had managed to stop him from breathing and at the same time punched him in the stomach for good measure.
It had been so long since he had laid eyes on his beautiful mate, that he dared not breath in case she was nothing but a mirage. But when he did finally breath, he was so happy that she wasn't a mirage, that he had to restrain himself from running over to her and holding her tight.

He shook his head, threw back the duvet, got out of the cream coloured bed and walked over to the door that led out to the veranda. He breathed out a long sigh to control the overwhelming hunger and need for his mate. When he looked up, he saw Alice in her cream dressing gown walking down the steps to the beach whilst looking nervously behind her, as if scared that someone was following her. Once she was out of sight, he fallowed her down to the beach.

Once he was on the beach, he found Alice sitting underneath a palm tree, with a notebook and pen on her lap, whilst twitching her nose and looking at the notebook in her lap, with her legs out straight and her back resting against the palm tree. The small torches in the sand, seemed to make Alice glow even more, as if he was in a presence of what humans called angels.

He was so transfixed on her, that he didn't see the twig that was lying in front of him until he stepped on it, making a loud snap as he stepped on it. Alice's head shot up and her eyes widened as she quickly tried to hid the notebook that she was working on, behind her back. Knowing that he couldn't actually leave, now that she knew he was here, he walked over to her and asked "may I sit next to you?" Alice nodded her head. Once Liorn was sitting next to her, he asked intrigued "why did you hide your work?" Alice blushed bright red and said nervously "well you see, I'm suppose to be doing Mr Young's time table for next week" her eyes widened again when she realised what she just said to Mr Young's new member of the boards new partner and said quickly "don't get me wrong, I have practically finished the time table for next week, all I have to do is send it" still nervous and unsure, she slowly brought the notebook from behind her back and gave it to Liorn whilst saying "I have always wanted to be my own boss or even a headmistress. A place where people like me can practice defending themselves, along with school lessons and things you need to have for a everyday life, a place where you don't have to wake up each day worried or even scared of what the day will bring and if it will be your very last" Liorn looked at Alice's ideas and then back at her with a sense of pride and respect, he had met very little humans that had made him feel proud of, because they where looking out for not only for themselves but of other people too. Alice was looking at him unsure and was about to grab it back from him, when he said "you should be very happy and proud that you are thinking of doing this. You are one of a small amount of people that have my respect, don't hide it from other people and don't be ashamed of something so beautiful like this" gone was the nervousness from her eyes, in its place held happiness and excitement. Without giving him a chance to react, she flew her arms around him and hugged him tight. Before he had time to saviour the moment, she got up grabbed her notebook and pen that had fallen on the sand and said "thank you Liorn, you have made me feel so much better. I would like to spend more time with you and get to know more about you, but I have to try and get some sleep before tomorrow, goodnight" and with that she quickly left the beach, to go back to her room, leaving a very happy Liorn in her wake, not realising that another set of eyes had watched Alice's and Liorn's interaction and was not pleased.

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