Alice's POV

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It had been a week since I woken up from my comma like state, with luckily this time with all my memories. But also finding out that mythical and beings exist. I had asked Jaddreirth to help train me, so I could protect myself from humans and the mythical world itself.

So here I was in the training room, that looked like a very nice gym. Ropes hung from the marble ceiling, brown covered mats covered the oak wooden floor, on every part of the oak walls where beautiful glass mosaic windows with weapons underneath them. I was currently standing on one of the brown mats, standing with feet apart in Sanack armour(armour forged from the mountains of the peaceful griffin realm. Armour so strong that the wearer was said to not be harmed whilst wearing it, because it was made from the precious and rare stone called a Sanack, that looked like between a diamond and a piece of jade) that covered me from neck and arms, all the way down to my feet, in a way it was like a armour onesie.

Jaddreirth, looked at me intrigued and asked whilst many of the new warriors looked at me interested "now as a human, what is your greatest weapon that the human race can carry into battle?" I looked at him confused and asked "sorry, why....." Jaddreirth sighed annoyed, looked up at the ceiling shut his eyes, after a minute he opened them again and then turned to face me and said in a serious tone "in battle, to have the upper hand on your opponent, means you must calculate everything about them first before fighting, from what they wear to what weapon of choice they provide. Now I ask again, if you where to fight against me with the best weapon that the human race has to offer, to carry into battle, what would that be?" I said quickly "a gun", one of the warriors in the audience snickered, at this Jaddreirth said without turning around in a annoyed voice once more "whoever has dared to laugh at this, leave my training room and send in your notice. Even though to us those things are stupid, meaningless and cowardly weapons, don't forget that they have killed millions of humans and animals for centuries" there was movement and then two of the new warriors left the room. Jaddreirth turned towards the audience and asked whilst raising an eyebrow asked "now does anyone else, think that is funny?" A young woman with long blonde hair, elf like ears and wearing the same material bowed and said "no, master. We have seen the horrors of what those things can do, we dare not laugh at evil things like this, if anything we pity the humans, for there weapons. We are honoured to have are trusted swords and daggers that know us, strength to rid us of are enemies and sight to be that of the all seeing owl to see are enemies before they notice us" Jaddreirth, gave her a stern nod and then said to the audience "Elena, is wise beyond her years. The rest of you, learn from her, she may lead you one day" Elena's eyes widened with shock and said happily whilst raising her head "thank you master, oh thank you... I....." Jaddreirth, put up his hand and said softly "you don't have to thank me, to be a true leader you must have wisdom and be unbiased. In the last couple of minutes you have shown me that you are worthy of being a leader. There is just one thing you need to practice on" Elena looked at him confused and asked "what is that, master?" He smiled at her and said "try not to babble, to be a leader you must have sharp and quick orders, as well as movements whilst under pressure, especially in battle" at this she blushed bright red, bowed and then backed up into the audience, that was watching myself and Jaddreirth.

After that Jaddreirth, turned around to face me and said in a serious tone whilst pacing in front of me "there are two reasons why we detest human weapons, yes they may do the job of getting rid of your enemies, but they always have there consequences:
1) the bullet from a gun, literally rips the soul apart inch by bloody inch and I do mean that literally, with are mythical being eyesight no matter who or what they are, can see beyond what the human eye or mind can imagine.

2) There is no honour with using a gun, in are eyes, it's a soul destroying, cowards weapon. Yes a sword can be used by humans and kill cowardly, but it also can be that of protection against your enemy, at least with a sword you can die with honour and not a gun which will only do its work whilst standing away from the fight sometimes.

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