Alice's POV

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I sat on one of the steps of the Fort as I looked down at the beautiful blue coloured dress, that came from the human kingdom.

After myself and my friends had washed ourselves, for the first time since coming here and then putting on are new dresses.
I was so excited and a little bit of guilt that I had been avoiding my mates, especially the lord of the fort, I had forgotten my new role.

After Ms Duncan, to teach me how to become a lady, told me off for being so thoughtless and stupid to act like a senseless woman. I just walked through the fort, not answering anyone, in a daze whilst thinking how on Earth I was to become a lady, with lady like manners.

After a while of sitting there, I felt someone sit next to me and then Falon the Eagle's voice ask "Alice, are you okay?" I sniffled a bit and said whilst resting my head against his right shoulder "I thought you had really good hearing. Don't tell me you didn't hear, what happened in Vegahr Nix's personal quarters" he tucked a piece of my long blond hair behind my left ear and said lovingly "no, my love I didn't. You see, Vegahr Nix's quarters has a sound barrier, it has been there since as long as I can remember" I pulled away from him and asked as I looked down at my lap "do you regret having me as your mate?" He turned me quickly around and asked angrily "why on earth do you think, I have regretted having you as my mate. Has anyone said otherwise?" I got up and began to pace in front of him and said whilst fiddling with my fingers "no one has. But you see the thing is, after I said thank you to him and hugged him, the lady that has arrived to make me a lady, well let's just say maybe it's better that I wasn't your and Vegahr Nix's mate. After all I have never been with a male of any race and I don't think I will be a good lady. What if......?" He grabbed my waist and pulled me hard against him, my head rested on his muscular chest. He held me tightly against him, as if scared that I would vanish in an instant and said urgently "you are everything to me and my kind. You are our hope in are immortal darkness that holds us. If you where not here, 'he' would of destroyed the universe alone with the Darkling race" he grabbed my chin and said as he lifted it so I could see his face "as for me, I never thought a disfigured monster like me would ever be blessed with a beautiful mate like you" I blushed bright red and said as I stroked his scar on his face and the experiment marks on his body "I think you are very handsome and kind of sexy" I whispered the last bit whilst blushing even redder, hoping that he didn't hear the last bit.

The moment was interrupted, as I heard the voice of Ms Duncan voice behind me say annoyed "You are a lady, you should of been practicing your lady like manners 15 minutes ago, not in the arms of that thing" I placed a kiss on the scar on his face and quickly left with Ms Duncan shaking her head.

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