Chapter 104

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(All translations where found on this website, I don't take credit for the translations, only the words to translate into there fun translator)

"Drink the cup of life" said he "For it will give you everything you have ever wanted".
"No" said the poor but humble man "I maybe poor in life and therefore in death. But if I drink from this cup, I shall be forever lost. Like a soul that is gone on the morning tide, never to be seen again"

For those who wish for the impossible, will be forever poor.
But for those who are happy with what they have, even though poor, are the richest of all.


Lord Finnonn breathed out a long sigh as he slumped into his chair at his oak table, with a window looked out at the mountains and the snake river in the distance. All the dreams and hopes of his peoples past, where gone with one old Elven sentence as clear as morning due "Im leave hi parv an an edhel plural edhil, who seeks hon own gobennas, but will never see ha. An ho must ech- hon own pennas an himself a hon núr".

In English: I leave this book for an elf, who seeks his own history, but will never see it. For he must make his own story for himself and his people.

He winced as the burn, started to ache, it had been nearly 24 hours since finding the ancient book and being burned for his trouble, maybe it was the universe having a laugh at him. It would never heal fully, it was an ancient fire, a fire that was said that helped furnish the universe herself. It would be a forever a reminder of his folly.

After staring at the page with a mixture of anger and a touch of sadness, he closed the book before him and then got off from his seat and made his way towards the window. He breathed in the cool morning air and breathed out a relaxed sigh, the morning air always seemed to cool his mind from troubled thoughts, no matter what they where.

He then turned his head towards his armour lying on his bed, in 3 hours time the next war would happen, it was the second war, but to him it felt like the hundred time. He knew he was doing the right thing for giving the human race aide once more, but something was biting at his brain repeating "when will it end, when will the darkness be pushed back hard enough to be not of a danger anymore" all mythical and magical creatures knew the one law of the universe, even if the human race didn't, it was: for light to exist, darkness must too. For light cannot exist without darkness in the fragile balance of existence for all. That one major law of the universe always felt to him and his race like a very bad, long awaited joke. But nothing in life is that simple, even to an Elven Lord, for that is why it is called life.

He shook his head and left to ready his men, for the coming battle, not realising the surprise from a untrustworthy Elven Lord had finally was defeated and was going to join there cause with his secret ancient weapon.

2 hours later

He was getting his trusted stead ready for the battle that was awaiting him and his people. When all of a sudden the courtyard was dead silent, the only sound came from the beautiful Elven fountain in the middle of the courtyard.

Confused Lord Finnonn turned around to face Lord Skynor Curthe, his men....and the ancient Elven weapon that he held, the weapon in question was not a thing that one could carry, no, it was a race of  being's.
They looked human in nature, but had the powers of the universe and could change into bloodthirsty animal like beasts, nothing could stop them not even poison and so for this constant war they where like a gift from the universe. It was long known that Lord Skynor Curthe and the ancient leader of these beings where..well one could not call them friends, for these beings had no loyalty except to themselves, they where if one could call them 'interested partners' for they also longed to call a mate there own.

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