The End

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In the end it comes to all.
We sometimes fear it.
Despise it in fact.
But all living creatures will sometime in the future, heed its call.

It is what we do in the meantime that matters most.
Live for the present.
Try and leave your mark in your place.
For that is what matters in the end, when we are called to are final rest.

Alice's end.

I smiled down at my beautiful daughter Lucy in Heathers arms. I had woken up early on my 31st birthday, packed all of Lucy's things and the video camera with all the tapes in the bag sitting next to it, as if a deep painful reminder that I would not be there in the future for her.

Everything had changed since that day when Mr Whittle's secret agency went into hiding. The government was destroyed literally from the inside out, not just the UK but all and The Followers Of Doomsday took there place. In British fashion, we where the first to revolt against the new power, but was defeated too quickly. If the governments didn't go against the beings that once helped us, we would have still had a chance of survival. The world that I once knew so well, had been destroyed.

Everything and everyone was checked and double checked, so to not let any revolt happen. Going out at night was strictly dealt with, either by prison or.....death.

Heather like my many other friends, had lost loved ones including Heathers mate was sadly one of those casualties.

30 minutes before she arrived, I sat next on soft chair with Lucy in my arms in silence, just looking down at her sleeping form. Even in the dim lit room, she was the most beautifulest sight I had seen in a very long time. Drogdrannith was out taking care of something and wouldn't be back until this evening. He asked me to ring one of his men to protect me in his place, I lied and said that I would, but I never did. Instead I wrote a letter for my daughter when she was be older enough to understand, to .......try and understand.

There was a small knock at the door, with a heavy heart I knew my time with Lucy, my Lucy had come to an end.
I walked over to the door and opened it to see Heather being flanked by two wizards in cloaks. I handed Heather the things that she needed and also Lucy, I didn't realise Helen was also there with her mate. When are eyes caught, she rushed over to me and said in a hush whisperer frantically "no, no, no Alice. This cannot end this way" I gave her a sad smile and said "I do not want this to happen either, but sadly this will be my final fate. All I ask is that you all protect and watch over my daughter. Tell her one day, that.....that I never meant to leave her....that I never wanted this day to come...that..sob.sob...her parents both loved her to the fullest" Helen gave me a final smile, hug and then they all left. As I watched them retreat into the cool night air, all the beautiful memories came flooding to me:
Who my parents where.
Myself and Drogdrannith marriage.
Are friends and loved ones that we met along the way.
My beautiful daughters birth.
Are first Christmas and New Year with family and friends.
And so, so much more than I could even imagine.

I shut the door in front of me, but when I did a sharp object speared me from behind and a voice that I never thought I would hear in that moment said "you should of realised, to check your friends more, you stupid woman. Even Heathers Mate had more sense than you".

My body fell forwards and landed with a soft thud onto the welcoming mat, but before I died I saw Olive smile viciously down at me, wiping my own blade on her black trousers.

The End

Book 2 will arrive shortly.
(Sorry if this was a quick finish, I will may update it in the future. If anyone has any ideas please share. Thank you for reading).

Book 2: A beginning of a new dawn

An insight for the new book:

The world of mankind has fallen, the darkness has finally won.
The race of mankind thinks it is finally alone in there fight, after betraying those that they once called friends.

But a small group of mythical and magical creatures watches over them, helping them from the shadows, heeding the ancient pact of old and coming to there call, even if it means there own extinction in the process.

Out of the ashes a new Phoenix will be born and write the wrongs of the past. She will smite the enemy and bring victory for the race of mankind once more.

Lord Finnonn: The Race of Mankind will never be alone, we will gladly sacrifice our lives so they may live. For they are brothers in arms, that no pact can brake.

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