Zagthar's (Hellion) POV

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He gritted his teeth, as another red hot stabbing pain, came full force as if someone with a very hot branding iron had left it on his body, forgotten about it and therefore was slowly seeping into his flesh. Even though he was in the depths of the planet Earth, to scream in agonising pain always seemed to be frowned upon, even though he was the creators second experiment and therefore he had to comply with his masters wishes, he wanted to have at least a control of this.

He thought that after he met his mate, not for the second but also the third time in this century, that the pain would be softened or even gone, but no such luck maybe it was because he could not hold her in his arms and hold her close against him. Thinking this, made the maddening pain even worse.

He had stayed in a small motel in New Zealand, right next to the sea where his trusty old wooden boat was moored, not these silly and fancy boats that billionaires and millionaires had, that made them seem like eyesore on the beautiful sea(well that is what he had always thought). He didn't stay on his boat after his master told him to leave and wait for his command, because if he did he was worried he wouldn't stop going against his wishes and letting the madness take over. He was pulled out of his 'pain fog', when there was a nock on his motel room door and Valraren's voice on the other side of the door say "Zagthar, I know you are in there. I can smell your madness from the other side of the world" Zagthar sighed annoyed, got up from his bed and walked over to the door with only a pair of denim jeans on, he opened the door to see Valraren's smiling face in his usual black clothing and asked confused "I thought you were going to be in Mexico for the next two months, why are you here early, did you not find them?" Valraren rolled his eyes and said whilst moving past him "you do need to practice on be more polite, it won't kill you" once he was in the room, he began to look everywhere and picking up bits of paper and discarded materials for making weapons Zagthar looked at him annoyed and asked "why are you here, can't you see I'm busy?" Valraren just scoffed and said whilst fiddling with an end of a piece of paper that was lying on his bed "oh really Zagthar. I'm helping are creator unearth his ancient army, one bloody hole after another, whilst you design and play with your little toys" Zagthar just crossed his arms over his large, muscular chest and said "I don't see, the creators pups complaining" Valraren just sneered at him, but quickly shook it off, composed himself and said "enough of the pleasantries, the reason why I am here is because of two things. One is that I have found my beautiful Olive again and two...." he sat down the edge of the bed and said whilst looking up at Zagthar worriedly "the shell that the creator is using is not fit for purpose anymore, I didn't do my research that well on the new subject in question for his new shell" Zagthar looked at Valraren alarmed and asked "what's wrong with the shell?" Valraren breathed out a long sigh and said "let's just say the shell is currently on its last 7 days. Once it is gone, then are creator will have no chose but unearth his true form and if that happens in front of his mate....." Zagthar finished it with wide eyes "if what you say is true, then there is a high chance that she would reject him, nothing and no one will be safe not even us". A Darkling has three stages of the 'Madness curse', something that no shifter or alien book would tell you, after all those where written by humans and therefore not everything was actually true.
The three stages where:
1)The Cannibal: to feast on animal and human alike.
2)The Pain: maddening, unbearable pain, that the only way to control it is feast on humans and destroy everything in its wake.
3)The Unknown: this was the most deadliest of all the three of the 'Madness curse', this was unknown, because no one had ever seen it, but only heard of kingdoms being destroyed by some unknown source that wiped out everything and everyone in it without leaving a trace behind.

But since the creator, had already destroyed two whole universes and his own realm too, this was very worrisome, even for his creations.

As Valraren and Zagthar sat there, they didn't expect that what was around the corner was something that not even the creator could control.

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