Chapter 4

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It was the day of are trip to Rome, by Mr Young's private aircraft.
Mr Young had let us have a week holiday and made all the arrangements with Olive's boss, but sadly Heathers boss had fired her when she had told her boss that she was hoping to have to go for a week holiday and that she had asked her very famous friend and pastry chef to take over, but her boss had refused. When we got home that very night, she just shrugged her shoulders and said "I wasn't enjoying it that much anyway. After all, Rome is a once in a lifetime experience, we might not get the same chance again"

We all had just gotten off from the taxi, at Heathrow airport and had been shown to Mr Young's private aircraft. Now here I was looking at the white aircraft, with a sense of wonder and nervous, I had never been in aircraft and didn't really want to start off with motion sickness. Olive and Heather gave there bags to the flight attendants, leaving only Heather and Olives small shoulder bags. Susan tapped me lightly on my right shoulder and said "don't worry Alice, I have some travel sickness pills in my bag. Now common, let's start off this holiday in style" myself and Susan gave are bags to the flight attendants and with that we started are new adventure, not realising what was to await for us very soon.

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