Alice's POV

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I stared into the distance, as I stirred my mocha with a teaspoon. I didn't realise I had been doing that for over 10 minutes, when Heather cleared her throat and said "Alice, at this rate, all you will have left will be a very faint taste of chocolate" at this I pulled myself out of my thoughts and said with a long sigh "you know, I thought all of it would change....even stupidly thought it would end by now. The wars, the prophecy....even....even the sacrifice. But I suppose that is too much to ask for". It was 3pm in the afternoon, so luckily it was dead quite in are local lounge, so no one would overhear too much.

I had finally persuaded Drogdrannith, to let me out after my kidnapping, as Heather said I needed a bit of me time to be relaxed and to not think about the future, but it was hard to say the least. It hadn't been on my mind when we went around the shops, with Drogdrannith's unlimited debit card (only after he said that he would not let me out if I didn't take it), still felt a bit guilty using it, especially since I have never actually been a shopping girl, but I had to admit it to Heather she was right, having a bit of retail therapy helped wanders.

But now sitting down and with a relaxing mind, it came to me like a train.

Heather held my hand and said softly "you know, myself and the rest of the gang will always be there for your daughter, like we have been for you. So when the time does come, she will not be left alone" I gave her a soft smile and then took a sip of my mocha, which I instantly regretted it, the half coffee cup of mocha was stone cold, with a very faint taste of chocolate.

Whilst I was taking a sip of it, Heather looked into my bag to find winter clothes. Then she looked at me with a raised eyebrow and said "really Alice. Drogdrannith is going to wisk you away to a beautiful place in Norway, just the two of you and you are bringing those" I blushed bright red and said "Heather, not all of us are comfortable in there own bodies" Heather rolled her eyes and said softly "you now I was like that once upon a time. But after a while I got to the point where I didn't care what other people think or say. Girl you are beautiful" I was still blushing bright red and then said in defeat "okay Heather. I suppose we could go in one more shop, we have until 5 anyway. You lead I will follow" she smiled and said "that's my girl, common. We don't have much time" I looked at her oddly, we have 2 hours until Drogdrannith picked us up anyway.

—————————————————-2 hours later—————————————————————
Okay, maybe we did need those 2 hours. Heather pulled me in and out of so many stores, to find the most 'exciting' clothing, which was quite difficult considering I was carrying my bags and Heathers at the same time.

When Drogdrannith turned up in his new car (trying to blend in, without the red dragon or the secret organisation now in the government trying to crumble it, knowing), I felt relieved and I do have to admit he did look extremely handsome in his black trousers and black top. He took the bags from me and put it in the car.

Heathers mate turned up at the same time, to take Heather back to the mansion.

I got into the car, buckled myself up and relaxed into the seat with a happy hmm. Drogdrannith had just got in and was turning on the engine when he said "it seems that you had a nice time" I smiled softly at him and said "I have never been a shopping girl, but I do have to hand it to Heather, she knows what she is talking about, when it comes to retail therapy" he grabbed my hand and stroked it lovingly whilst saying "I will never let anyone harm you. In the future, all these wars will be over and we can finally relax and become a true family" I had cried so much about this topic, I just looked at him sadly, knowing deep down that would never happen, not with me in it anyway. He patted my hand and said "my love, you will love the place that I have in Norway. It is in the middle of nowhere, it will be just the two of us, away from everything. Well for the meantime anyway. No more worries."

I breathed in the cool leather seats, closed my eyes and thought of better things. In that moment, I swore to myself that I would enjoy what time I have left, without being sad about the future that would await for me in the future.

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