Olives POV

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It had been two days since and helping my Uncle Professor Robert Gregory and highly respected archaeologist. He was very popular for his discoveries, new and studied ancient writings that where so very rare, that very few people could read let alone understand and so was very much sort after

My parents had persuaded me to work for my Uncle for two weeks, to have an experience of something new rather than running the family shop and nursery for my whole life, so I reluctantly agreed. Considering Alice's birthday was to be postponed, because of a new board's member joining the firm and intern she would be away for a week or two, on Mr Young's private island.

Someone cleared there throat loudly, which brought me back to the present. I looked at my Uncles questioning face, whilst holding out his right hand. I gave him the small dusting tool, he then asked whilst dusting off a bit of wall of the ancient room that was not suppose to be there "Olive you can leave you know, if it's too......?" He stopped suddenly and then began to dust over the wall even quicker to see a large strange diagram of some sort. It was strange that this burial chamber had an empty secret room with no treasures of any sort, considering the chieftain was in the other room, but what my Uncle found was even stranger.

He said in a rush whilst looking at it with wide eyes "this is not possible, the artisanship along with two impossible languages and technology of this scale should not exist. There is no way that this is real, unless it is and this is a once in a lifetime find....." I shut him off, too transfixed on the strange diagram.

The diagram was a large black golden circle in the middle of the wall, with what looked like a mangled face of a wolf chiselled out in the middle, around the wolf was a silver triangle as if in prisoning the wolf.
In-between the circles where strange writings, in two completely different languages I had never laid eyes on before, even the rare languages that my Uncle showed me after his finds, didn't ring a sense of understanding to me and by the look on my Uncles face he had never come across this before.

I looked at my Uncle, to see that he was writing them down quickly with a look of a child in a sweetshop. He then said to no one in particular "these findings are a once in a lifetime experience, think of all the: history, artisanship, language and all the things that this place can show and tell us about its people" my Uncle was too much excited that he didn't see Mr Fray behind him until he said in a serious type tone "I'm sorry Professor Robert Gregory, that is one thing I cannot allow. You see, the human race should never know of are existence and are true purpose" he stepped from the darkness of the room and into the light all lit by my Uncles many standing lamps, that looked more like a very tall and very large desk lamp.

We both stood up and looked at Mr Fray with wide eyes as he began to chant an ancient language, a language that I had never heard before, as he walked over to the wall with strange diagram, when he got to it he put his right hand on the wolf's head, whilst still chanting. After a couple of minutes past, aloud "hiss" was heard as if a snake was in the wall and then the diagram began to turn anti-clockwise and then clockwise, there was a loud click and thud as if it was an ancient old lock was now unlocked. The wolf's eyes turned to a white blinding light and then began to open, with the still white blinding light.

Mr Fray, was about to step through the door and into what was on the other side, when I grabbed his right arm and asked him "what are you going to do with us?" I swallowed hard and then asked "are you going to kill us?" He looked at me alarmed, pulled me against his chest and whilst stroking my back lovingly "no of course not, my beautiful mate. It is true, if you where not my mate and he wasn't your uncle, then yes of course I would. But you don't have to fear me nor the creatures on the other side of this door." He grabbed my left hand and began to bring me into the blinding light, that was behind the door.

It took me awhile for me to get my bearings right and blink away the brightness, that was still there, but when I did I gasped in shock and horror of what I saw before me.

The room was a white large room, that brought unhappy memories of hospital wards, with my Aunt Penny, for her cancer treatment before she passed away. Since then I hated the colour white.

There was no windows or doors, no air conditioning, just an empty room with 5 very scary what looked like half dragon and half griffin creatures, lying everywhere and looking at Mr Fray with an interested expression on there faces. One of the creatures, that was pitch black as the night sky asked in a scraggly voice "why does are master not great us, instead we have a mere Darkling warrior?" Mr Fray bowed low as he could with the frame that he had and said "please forgive this warrior, the creator wanted to release you from your prison, but he has found his mate, his destined one finally" the creatures eyes widened and a smile, that was pure joy appeared on his and the rest of the creatures faces. Then as if realising I was in the room, his eyes turned to face me and then cocked his head to the right and said "I see you too have met your mate, your destined one as well and by the smell of it, you haven't set your claim on her" Mr Fray let out a loud animal like growl and said possessively "she is mine Talanko" the creature now known as Talanko only scoffed and said whilst shaking his head "do not worry warrior, I'm not interested in humans, they are too clingy and babyish for my liking. Your mate will not be harmed by us" he looked at Mr Fray with a smirk and said "but I don't know about the Dragon Fies, they might have a different take on it, as you know well about" I should of stood up for mankind/human race, but I was too shocked to say or do anything, as if in a trance I stood with my mouth open and eyes wide, wishing I was back home away from all of this.

Mr Fray wrapped his left arm around my waist, pulled me against his chest and said whilst nuzzling against my neck "my beautiful Olive, we must go now and leave them to stretch out" and with that we left the room.

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