Alice's POV

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A tried to stifle the yawn that was about to come, but I couldn't. I put down my laptop on the coffee table in the small lit sitting room, that was never used in my long nightgown and the royal blue dressing gown that hung on the back of the guest room door that was to be my bedroom for the next couple of days.

It was 2am in the morning, I thought I could sleep after a brief talk with Mr Night's assistant, Mr Hunter. But I couldn't, so from 11am to now, I had sent the timetable for Mr Young for next week and searching for somewhere for the next Halloween party that Mr Young always hosted, I know that it was a couple of months away but I wanted no needed to do something to pass the time.

I looked at the clock as it ticked away, on the Greek style fireplace top. Two hours ago was my 21st birthday, a day that I dreaded because it brought back horrible memories, of the death of my birth parents.

Year: 2221
Month and day: 6th July (hottest day in UK's History)
Time: 00:00(midnight)Alice's birthday.

I rubbed my eyes, as I heard my mother's voice behind my bedroom door, screaming "no, absolutely not. She is not some monster that needs to be killed, SHE IS MY DAUGHTER" I slowly got out of my bed, clutching my teddy bear that I got for my birthday and nearly tripped over my presents that where still in there boxes that I didn't have time to open. Scared but intrigued, I walked over to the door and pressed my right ear against it, as I heard a mans voice that I had never heard before say "SHE MAY BE YOUR DAUGHTER JENNY, BUT SHE IS THAT THINGS MATE. THE DARKNESS OF THE UNIVERSE, WE NEED TO STOP IT BEFORE WHAT THE WITCH SAID THIS MORNING COMES TO FRUITION. ARE YOU GOING TO BE THIS PLANETS DESTRUCTION FOR NOT DOING WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE?" There was dead silence, for a while and then my father's kind, loving voice saying "no, we are not going to do that. If it's this planets fate then so be it, after all nothing lasts forever, we have had are chance. You will have to get through us first" the unknown man's voice sighed and said "I'm sorry you have been good friends, but I cannot let her live. This planet is too precious to destroy" I heard two loud gun shots and both my parents screams.

That night I survived only by chance, because after I heard the gunshots I quickly hid in my wardrobe, where later two very nice police officers, that became my adopted family found me and sent the unknown man to a mental hospital, where he still stays to this day. I never knew why he wanted to kill me and I never wanted to visit him, but some day I would have to get the answers to the questions that needed to be answered.

I didn't realise, that whilst I was in a daze Mr Night had just walked into the room, carrying a Victorian style tray, with a pitcher of tropical juice with ice and two coloured glasses that seemed to twinkle in the dim light.

He put down the tray and asked whilst handing me a glass "couldn't sleep?" I quickly blinked away the tears that I felt where coming and gave him a small smile. I nervously looked behind him, seeing that Mr Young wasn't there I breathed out a sigh of relief and said "no, but to be quite honest I never have been great sleeping in new places" a loud yawn escaped and then blushed bright red as he began to sit next to me. I took a sip of the juice and moaned at the beautiful taste, definitely what I needed for a hot and stuffy night like this. I was nearly about to finish my drink when Mr Night asked in a serious tone "why do you still work for Mr Young, if he makes you nervous all the time or is it because I'm now in the picture?" I was so shocked that I nearly choked on the juice, after my little coughing fit, I put the glass that still had a bit of juice in and said "I know I should give in my notice and find a new post graduate job, but the thing is I still have two months left on my post graduate scheme and if I leave now and find a different job then they will probably look at my CV and ask why I had left with only two months left" I turned to face him, gave him a nervous smile and said "that is one thing I never want to talk about" he gave me a small smile and said whilst wrapping his left arm around my waist and pulling me against his chest "I promise you Alice, nothing and no one will dare lay a finger on you or harm you. You have my word, that the universe will have to kill me first, before anything like that happens to you" I was tempted to ask what he meant by that, but I was too sleepy and he felt so comfortable that I soon fell asleep in his warm protective arms.

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