Jaddreirth's POV

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He breathed in the cool night air as he stepped out of his tent and watched his adoptive brothers and sisters take flight, enjoying a moment of carefree joy in the constant war. He drank his water, as he looked at them with jealousy.

He never knew who his true family was, or what race he came from, only that he had a Celtic symbol of rebirth and renew at the base of his neck, that always seemed to tingle with some buried power, not yet awaken. But he had to admit he was lucky for an orphan, as he was brought up by the powerful and ancient of the 5 dragon royal families. He could still remember that cold morning so long ago:

The wind was howling against the houses in Zanatoo, the people living here where very sensible to board up there windows and come home early, so the golden streets where dead quiet.
Only a small cloaked figure, swaying down the street, fighting to stay upright. The small figure collapsed against a deserted stall, too worn out by the constant hitting of the wind.
When morning came, a large man wearing a golden crown, with small dragon faces on each side of his crown, appeared before him. This was no ordinary man, this man was the king of the golden dragons of Zanatoo and was to be Jaddreirth's adopted father, a kind but fearless man, that helped those in need. The king took off the hood from the Jaddreirth and asked kindly "brave warrior, do you have a home?" The young Jaddreirth shook his head and said in a scared tone of voice "nnnoo my lord, I don't know where I am from" the king made a humming sound and said "well let's right that shall we" he gave out his hand to the young Jaddreirth, after awhile of the boy not taking it the king said "do not worry young warrior, I know that you are not just a dragon. I will not harm you. My son has need of your services, he has long been without a companion" the weary boy excepted the hand, only later did he realise that he was to be the golden dragons of Zanatoo's saviour.

He scoffed a bit it that memory, 'saviour ha' he thought if he was such a saviour why did the Zanatoo turn to ash and ruble and the inhabitants fleeing away in terror.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when Lord Finnonn walked over to him and said seriously "come Jaddreirth I have a plan to share with you" Jaddreirth put away his cow hide water pouch and said sarcastically "oh now, you want to share things with me" Lord Finnonn with his back to Jaddreirth sighed and said "it was best for both of us, you only needed to know when it was vital" Jaddreirth gritted his teeth and fallowed him back into the tent, he stood behind the war table and asked facing him "okay Lord Finnonn what prey tell is your plan?" Lord Finnonn said without blinking an eye said "this is the last resort, even I don't want to say it" Jaddreirth said annoyed "my lord, this war is constantly going on, unless you have some sort of........" the lord said "we must make Alice are bait" the warrior nearly fell forward at this, he couldn't make the words come out of his mouth, but when he did he yelled "HAVE YOU GONE MAD, YOU CANNOT MAKE ALICE THE BAIT. DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT HE WILL DO? DROGDRANNITH HAS JUST GOTTEN PAST THE DARKNESS INSIDE HIM, IAM NOT LETTING YOU DESTROY BOTH DROGDRANNITH AND ALICE" Lord Finnonn glared at Jaddreirth and said "do you not think I know that, do you not think I have thought of every means, every possible outcome. But the truth is we cannot. This must be the only outcome of are people, the only outcome for all races, to survive" Jaddreirth slumped into his chair, he already knew Alice's true fate, because she told him, but thinking of putting her in anymore danger than necessary was tearing him apart inside. Jaddreirth after awhile of silence said "okay, I will tell her what we have discussed. I need to visit her tomorrow anyway" and with that Lord Finnonn left Jaddreirth to his thinking.

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