Chapter 61

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Jaddreirth, slammed open the doors with a loud bang as he entered the main library. of fellow teachers, warriors and guardians of the library looked at him with shock and disbelief written on there faces.

In all the years that Jaddreirth stayed here, no one ever saw him come into the library. Many thought he couldn't read, or was to busy to care.

One of guardians of the library walked over to him, wearing blinding white robes, these where the colours of the ancient order of wizards and witches that held all the secrets of magic along with both books of good and evil, that decided to stay.
The guardian cleared his throat and asked Jaddreirth "is there something that I can help you with Jaddreirth?" Jaddreirth said whilst rustling and pulling at the many scrolls that now cluttered the smooth Georgian table "yes, I need to find the parchment with the 'Haveriun seal' on it. I NEED TO FIND IT" he slammed down the 10th scroll annoyance. In the small amount of time, he had gotten through 10 scrolls, trying to find it.
The guardian gasped in shock and said with dread in his voice "my Lord, you cannot. That 'thing' is forbidden even the wisest of us cannot touch it let alone read it, you know what will happen if you do, you will bring such an end to the person wearing it that you will regret it for the rest of your life. The person will...." Jaddreirth glared at the guardian with such anger that the guardian stopped suddenly. After a while of silence Jaddreirth said whilst gripping the edge of the Georgian table "yes, I know that. But I have made up my mind. I will gladly die before that happens" the guardian looked around the room nervously and whispered "they say that it was the cause of the fall of Pompeii, so because of this the time and space of that part of history has stopped" Jaddreirth looked at him confused and asked "what do you mean?" The guardian swallowed and then said whilst still looking around nervously "in fear of it escaping, the elders of wizards that where there at that time made a seal to cover Pompeii, so it would never cause another catastrophic to the world of man and of the mythical world. When I say it has stopped I mean, it keeps repeating that catastrophic day and hasn't 'moved on'" he let his arms fall to his side and said "so that is why I cannot find it, it's a place in time that literally cannot be touched" he looked at the guardian carefully and asked "guardian, who was the holder of the seal. I can tell by your face that you know, tell me who is it" the guardian looked him straight in the eyes and said "it's Drogdrannith's first experiment" Jaddreirth looked at him again confused and said "no you cannot be right, he is here, if he was the holder of the seal then we would of had another catastrophic moment.......unless" the guardian nodded quickly at this Jaddreirth's eyes widened with horror and said before the he ran out of the room "by the universe it cannot be him, but it has to be".

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