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My eyes threw open and I gasped loudly, as ice cold water hit me hard.
When I managed to get my bearings, I found myself in a black, metal prison cage, sadly alone.
I looked up at the man, that was in front of the cage wearing a huge brown fur coat, with dusting of snow on the shoulders of it. He just gave me a look of disgust on his face and said annoyed "you are very lucky, you have been chosen to be the mate of the famous blacksmith. I don't know how long you will last after the ceremony though, you look too weak to survive it" I slowly got up, which was hard considering the shackles on my wrists where biting into my wrists painfully so. Once I got up, I asked him "where is the rest of my friends?" He raised his eyebrow and said "I don't think you should worry, you so far, are one of the lucky ones we have ever brought. After the ceremony tomorrow, we will know in three days time if they are going to be food or mates. But if you insist, they are in three other secluded prisons, here at the fort" he opened the door and then bended down and unlocked the shackles on my wrists. Once he did that, I didn't have time to breath a sigh of relief. Because he grabbed my right wrist, pulled me up and dragged me out of the prison and into bright sunny morning whilst I was wincing all the way.

When he let go of my right wrist, I could now look around my surroundings without focusing on the pain of my wrists being grabbed. It looked like a medieval fort, with all the trimmings, just without the horses or stables.

The man fallowed my gaze and said whilst dragging me alone said "we are not stupid enough, to leave the horses here. They would be eaten by the beasts. Now common, your mate is waiting for you" he moved towards me as if to grab me again, but I quickly moved back a step and said "don't worry I won't go anywhere. I will follow your orders sir" he gave me a quick nod and then said underneath his breath "I can't believe Advisor Daniels gave me this stupid job. He better pay me double, for landing me with this job" and with that we made are way towards a large blacksmiths shop, it was quiet except for a constant grating sound.
The man looked at me and said whilst banging hard on the door "hey blacksmith, your mate is here" he looked at me and said before walking away "good luck, girl. You will need it" as soon as he left, the door opened and in the doorway was the most handsomest but scary looking man I had ever seen. He had black long hair, brown warm eyes that where slowly turning to a dark red colour, half of his face was hidden behind a black mask, he had a bronze and muscular chest that was dripping with sweat and looked like he was in his late 30's. There was burns and scars that crisscrossing across his chest and wore black animal like trousers.

I swallowed hard, I had never had a boyfriend nor was I comfortable talking to a man let alone a 'Beast of the FireWall'. One thing I knew was that I was very lucky to have a mate, for some odd reason. All I could say was "hi", even that small word made him smile big as if I had made all his dreams come true. I let out a small squeak, as he grabbed me by my waist and brought me against him hard. As soon as I was in his arms, he nuzzled his face into my hair, breathed in and said whilst groaning loudly "you don't know long I have waited for you my beautiful mate, not as long as the creator, but long enough" I pushed away from him a bit and asked "what will happen to me and my friends at the ceremony tomorrow?" That made him, stand as still as a statue. He looked down at me and said seriously "the ceremony was planned for tonight, but the advisor came late. If they came early, there would of been a chance of your friends living through the ceremony. But you don't have to worry, my love you will be safe. You are my mate, the Darkling inside me will not harm you, you are both our mates" he kissed my forehead lovingly and wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me into his shop/home.

My Mate From another world Where stories live. Discover now