Chapter 108

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"I said to the left, not the bloody right" the workman yelled at the person in the crane. The workman let out a loud hmff as he turned to Mr Whittle, with annoyed look and asked for the 10th time that week "tell me again why this is top secret?" Mr Whittle now hardened by war, gave the workman a hard glare and said "you do not need to know. Only that know one should know about this, not even your loved ones" the workman just nodded his head and carried on his work, as Mr Whittle surveyed the construction.

After the war with the new enemy, the British intelligence had decided to make a secret organisation to be prepared for the possibility of another war, they had sworn that after that war that they would never be unprepared for what the mythical and magical world could do to them.

They had picked a unknown place in the highlands, a large forest hid this new organisation from the public.
The British intelligence with some of the special forces from: Canada, China, Japan, Norway, Nepal and British intelligence, would be housed and work here, they would be disguised as policemen and women, whilst searching for new possible threats to the human race. There families would be housed in the hidden buildings doted around in the forest, after all you would want your loved ones protected as well as the organisation.

The building and the family homes where slowly coming to fruition. As Mr Whittle looked up at his accomplishments, he looked up to the sky and thought 'old friend, my brother in arms. I hope you are pleased with me. Sigh, I do wish you could be here next to me and seeing the dream of yours come to fruition'.

Deep down Mr Whittle knew now that there was much more to the world, than previously thought. That beings thought to be myths and legends, where actually real, that the human race was finally confirmed that they where not alone, which was exciting and yet terrifying all at the same time, because if things that where myths and legends where real, what if in the future the race of mankind, like they did with many things in there history bite off more than they could chew and become extinct because of there greed for more knowledge.

But something that he heard in his youth came to him like a beacon of hope:
No-one can live forever, for what is the point of that?
It will be like living on a deserted island, everything and everyone you have ever known or loved gone.
No, that will be a forever hell.

Like a flower that has wilted, it dies, but in its place a new life begins, for isn't that what life is, it's true meaning?
For when something dies, a hope of new life begins again.

As long as you have made your mark, on this planet, no matter how small or large, is the greatest thing you can ever leave.

A small smile appeared on his face, at this reminder. He had seen what it did to his immortal brothers in arms, seen it in every battle against the enemy.

They didn't crave death, on the contrary, they fought so there would be a better future for their race, but when death came to them, the relief on their faces knowing that they could finally rest from what they called 'The Curse Of Immortality'. Which to Mr Whittle, seemed a bit comical. After all the human race had searched and craved the secret of immortality, but the beings that were immortal to them it was a curse, a pain that would never end until death on the battlefield would claim them. He once talked to an Elven blacksmith whilst preparing the weapons for the last fight "sigh, you know. You humans are lucky, you can: find your own special one, no pains of immortality, you can grow old with your special one until your hair turns to that of the colour of the moon and die in each other's arms, knowing you will see each other again. we do not have that honour, we are not blessed as you. I sometimes wish I was a human. Yes the race of man has always had there problems, maybe more so than others.
You even cry like a baby, when you try and become immortal, but realise you can't.
Do you not understand, is the greed too much that you are blinded to what you have in front of you? Are you deaf to the happiness around you and can only hear IMMORTALITY!!! IMMORTALITY!!? You are the most blessed of all beings in the universe. Would you like to know why? The reason is, you are the only race that has the beautiful gift of being mortal"

Mr Whittle was pulled out of his thoughts when his boss came walking over to him, whilst admiring the scene in front of him said "hmm, you have done well. When you forwarded this plan, I was a bit unsure, but it looks like everything is coming into place" his boss gave him a piece of paper with Lord Finnonn writing in English on it, he said to Mr Whittle whilst handing it over to him "are Elven friend is seeking a council with you and only you. Don't ask me why, but it seems important. He said that he will very soon to discuss it to you, but wanted me to give you this before then"

Mr Whittle began to read it:

My dear Mr Whittle, I hope this finds you well.

With ones enemies defeat, another one comes.
But this is a burden, that maybe too heavy for your shoulders, even more than the last war that we fought side by side.
I would never ask this of you, unless I was absolutely sure.

There is a cult, an ancient cult of humans, that was long thought extinct. But sadly no luck, they have been in your government, in all parts of houses. They are planning to bring the end of days, right to your doorstep, with the red dragon at the head of there organisation, now that he is free.

I am sorry friend, but your organisation that has picked up the flame of the protection of both mythical, magical and your own race. You must hide from there eyes forever, until the day comes when you hide no more.

For this I must ask.....I hate to write this down, but I must.
You must betray your government, for your survival. For they are playing a most deadliest of games with your people. Only when you protect your race, may you find your own survival.

Lord Finnonn.

He breathed out a long sigh, his boss said sadly breaking the uncomfortable silence "I have read it too. I do have to admit there are times where I don't always agree with the higher ups, I don't know what the other intelligence and soldiers will say that are coming from: Canada, China, Japan, Norway and Nepal. Let's just hope we can all survive this.
But one thing is for sure, I am not going to let my guard down. I am going to bring my family here tomorrow, I know that we are still not finished, but I can safely say that I won't let them stay a minute longer at home.
The rest of the British intelligence are doing the same, with there families.
We have already planned are fake deaths, at least for the moment we will be safe. I am not letting good people die, in the last war, only for us to be under another enemies feet again".

And so started a new chapter, for the soldiers that survived the last war. Many would say that Mr Whittle and the many others betrayed their governments, betrayed their people. If they where seen as betrayers so be it, for they didn't see it that way, how could they after realising that something more dangerous was waiting in the darkness, waiting for the humans to be defenceless to strike and wipe them all out with no protection. No, the soldiers had seen the damage that these things that live in the darkness does to races, if they are seen as betrayers so be it.

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