Lord Finnonn

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(Warning: this chapter will have some strong language that may be unsuitable for some people. If you don't like it, please pass onto the next chapter, thank you)

(All translations where found on a translator website called fun translations, I take no credit of this)

He sighed for the third time that day, elf's where not well known for this, but sitting with a human secret service agent, could make anyone do the same.

His wizard friend by 'accident' opened a portal right in the middle of Mr Whittle's, the secret service agent's apartment. It took 20 minutes to try and make the human relaxed as can be, in the end they had to use magic on him, that made him slowly calm down, but even then the secret service agent, took time to get his bearings right anyway.

After what felt like ages, Lord Finnonn, took off his hood of his cloak, thinking it was a better chance of any to show the human what he was trying to say for the last 40 minutes was all true.

Mr Whittle swallowed hard and then said "shit, wow, umm. You really weren't kidding. This is going to be for one of the books" he then asked Lord Finnonn "so, how is this going to work? I can't just rock up tomorrow and say "hi mates, I have a story and half to tell you. Mythical creatures, magical creatures are real, oh and before I forget an end of the world monster is going to wipe us all out if we don't help with this war, that has already started and we don't have much time to decide what's going to happen until we have no choice" they will think I'm mad and send me to the bloody loony bin. I bloody hope you have a plan?" Lord Finnonn just smiled and said "yes, you are right. The race of man will not believe what they cannot understand or cannot see" then he said that shocked poor Mr Whittle "in two days time, you will present all the important factions of your world to Stonehenge. Where the ancient pact will be rewritten and I will present myself then, with your help" Mr Whittle asked with a raised eyebrow "May I ask, why just you. Whilst I will be bringing more than one person" Lord Finnonn smirked and then said with a hint of laughter in his voice as if this was a hidden joke "the beings that I will be representing think I am the wisest of all the races, that are not human" Mr Whittle nodded slowly as if this was the most obvious answer and then said still unsure "I still don't know how to make the representatives of Earth come to Stonehenge anyway" Lord Finnonn motioned to his old friend Gregory was leaning against the door to the apartment with an annoyed look on his face, Lord Finnonn said "Gregory will assist you with this task, that is to be put upon your shoulders" Mr Whittle looked at Gregory intrigued and asked "are you an elf?" Gregory just rolled his eyes upwards and then said whilst motioning with his ears "see, my ears are not like Lord Finnonn's. Mine are human. I am a wizard" Mr Whittle's intrigued left his eyes and just went "oh" at this Gregory muttered underneath his breath "bloody Lord of the rings. When humans watch it they think the Elven race are practically gods" at this Lord Finnonn stifled a little chuckle, just in time.
Lord Finnonn got up from his seat in the sitting room, before he left through the portal that he had just made, he looked back at the humans uncertain face and said in a serious tone of voice "don't forget Mr Whittle, the fate of your race lies upon your shoulders. Don't let your race fall to your human pride, if you do, even I can not help you. There is a saying in my world: Even a ae ae tur- cost di thúl a win túr.
In your English tongue it means: Even a small bird can fight against the wind and win victory"
Mr Whittle looked at Lord Finnonn confused asked "what does that mean?" Lord Finnonn with pity in his ancient eyes said "it means, even if your representatives argue against you, refuse to help and say it is not there fight. You must pressure them, until the end and then and only then will you taste victory and your world maybe saved" and with that Lord Finnonn left.

Back at 'The House Of The Fallen Tree'

He poured himself a glass of crystal clear wine, from the kitchen that was just brought up and then gave Gregory an interested look with his right eyebrow raised. Gregory sat on the other side of the table, that stood just outside the training grounds, with roses growing in splendour, he had his arms crossed over his chest and was giving Lord Finnonn a very annoyed look.

Lord Finnonn said kindly "I see it didn't go as planned, after I left", Gregory pouted like a little boy and said annoyed "no, it bloody well didn't. Did you know how long I had to stay in that 'place'?" he shuddered. It wasn't because the apartment was mouldy or messy, it was far from that.
Gregory liked space, loved seeing the open planes of forests, lakes, mountains. Okay, he did spend his time in a fortress, but that was if he had to. No, too him anything with four walls and a roof without a blessing of greenery in sight, was hell.

Lord Finnonn poured Gregory a glass and asked prompting him "so, what happened?" Gregory let out a long sigh said "well for one, he was very upset that I wasn't an elf, so I didn't know much about the Elven race, because you all hold those secrets to yourself. Secondly, he told me the rules of what I could and couldn't tell people, ha, when I have been around before he was even born, so I know 'the drill' as humans say. But I do have to admit it, all things considered, he is doing better than I thought he would be doing by now" Gregory let out a huff and then asked "why did you pick that human?" Lord Finnonn said whilst raising his glass to his lips "not everyone has the luxury of time. Certainly not the race of man. I asked you to track down a human from there order and so you did" he sipped the cool wine and said in a wise voice "look at this wine in this glass. If you shake it too hard, it becomes that of a small tide, uncontrollable and difficult to handle.." he shook the glass to prove a point and sure enough a small tide, not too small to be make a difference but also not too hard to make the liquid go over the glass rimes, he then said in the same tone of voice "but if you tilt it a bit, you can still be able to control it, without much difficulty......."and he showed Gregory, once more his point, he slowly tilted it and then liquid was smooth without any tides, it also not going over the glass rims. He sat it down back onto the table and said in a serious tone "now that things are in motion, I must get ready for the future that lies ahead, for us all. No matter how short it maybe" he got up from his seat and passed Gregory, but not before Gregory grabbed his right arm and asked "are you sure that we are doing, the right thing?" Lord Finnonn gave Gregory a tired smile and said in a far away voice "I once heard of a saying from the humans here, it rings fitting for this question: no one knows the outcome of every story, it's the journey that is more important than the destination.
He then looked at Gregory and said once more before leaving "that is my answer old friend. The future? Umm, who knows. There maybe a day where I regret my decisions and had given the race of man are aid once more, but all things in life, they all have to have a chance of survival. If we stood back and did nothing, what would my people be? Monsters, traitors, barbaric race of beings that never cared for anything but themselves. No, my old friend. That is not what we are, we are the protectors of nature.
The wonderful, harsh, joyful and yet destruction, that is nature.
Nature for us is watching over the young, healing all ailments. Help with the growth of every little thing be that helping this dimension survive and flourish to giving beings a helping hand in there troubled times, be that food or water or help in a just course and letting them come to my realm"
Gregory looked down at the ground ashamed of himself to question an elf, the Elven race was the most purest beings in the universe, well to him anyway, they didn't seek gold or riches. They only fought in battles, if there was no other choice. To the Elven race, dieing in battle for a just cause, was an honourable death to them. Where they would come to I malthen gates -o rebirth(The Golden gates of rebirth). Lord Finnonn, smiled softly down at Gregory and said kindly "do not fret old friend, you are not alone in your doubts. Many have voiced your concerns, for this century of man. If in the future, we will be betrayed by the race of man...sigh...don't forget, nothing lasts forever. Yes, the wounds will be deep as any that we have had in the past, but that will be are fate" he looked towards the sea and said in a faraway voice "I just hope to never see that day" and with that he left leaving Gregory alone with his thoughts.

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