Chapter 2

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By the time I got to the building of 'Young's, interior design', swiped in and got to my desk it was 8:15, so luckily I had time to eat my breakfast and have a sip of my mango and passion fruit cooler from Costa, since it was boiling hot outside.

I opened the airtight container and began to eat the chocolate and fruit pancakes. Heather must of realised that I would do the usual, of not eating breakfast, because in the airtight box alongside the pancakes was a small container of my favourite strawberry jam and a small portion of mango, I was definitely one very lucky girl.

After I had finished my breakfast I put the airtight container in my bag, as soon as I did that, I heard Mr Young's private elevator arrive. I got up from my seat and quickly went towards Mr Young's private elevator, that sat snuggly against his office door.

I stood near his office with his Chai Latte in my right hand, with other women behind me giggling.
Mr Young was one of the most famous, handsomest and wealthiest man in England and the top five bachelors in the world.
Well a employee has to know about her boss.

At the age of 30 he had the respect of all the business man and woman he had met, most importantly he had also the respect of some high end Asian companies, which for a Westerner was a surprise. He was of Italian and Greek decent, even though his surname had not even a hint that he was from the Mediterranean.

No one knew, much about his past. All anyone knew was that he had appeared two years ago, in the business world and had started off with his small export and import business. It was so popular that in a small amount of time, his business had grown and made a new venture in interior design.

He was extremely handsome, with Greek like bone structure, brown eyes, muscular build and black curly locks. All the women in the building wanted to get close to him, so when I was chosen out of 12 candidates for the job of his secretary, no one really talked to me except to ask about Mr Young and even that was very rarely.
When someone asked me, why I hadn't been more intrigued about him or made any moves towards him, I just replied "this is a once of a lifetime opportunity. After the graduate scheme for me has ended, I'm hoping to carry on and still work here. I don't want to lose it" they told me that I was crazy and never bothered me again.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Mr Young cleared his throat. I looked up at him, whilst blushing bright red and quickly gave him his Chai Latte. He smiled at me kindly and asked me whilst walking into his office "what is on the schedule for today Alice?" I don't know why, but every time he called me by my name, I always felt uncomfortable.
I quickly shook my head to clear it and then said whilst looking at the notepad, with the schedule for today "well Mr Young, you have a appointment with your mother at 10am. 11am, Dr Hampshire will be here for your usual meeting. 12 midday to 1pm is your usual staff luncheon in your personal quarters. That is all for today, Mr Young" he walked over to his oak desk and said whilst putting both hands on the desk he said whilst raising his right eyebrow "I have heard, you have been saving up for a trip with your friends to Rome" I looked at him puzzled and thought to myself how on Earth did he know about that. I haven't even told anyone about it.

He saw the confusion on my face and said whilst waving his right hand "don't worry about how I know about it" the next thing he said shocked me "I have got some money here for all of you, to spend on anything you like in Rome. But you probably won't have to worry too much about it, my business friends know that you and your friends are coming and so they will pay for all of your meals out and they also have quite a lot of...let's just say they have there fingers in many pies. I will give you my private jet, for the week" he bended down, opened the top draw of his desk and put a big parcel on the table. I looked between the parcel and Mr Young with disbelief, it was true that myself and my friends had been saving up for a girls trip to Rome, but until know we didn't have the time nor the money.

I shook my head quickly and said "I'm sorry Mr Young I cannot accept your....." he let out a long sigh and said "it is my money and I will give the money to who I see fit. Take it as a thank you gift for how well you have been doing. If you don't accept it, I will fire you here and now" my eyes went wide, I picked up the parcel and held it against my body, with a flick of his head he motioned for me to go, so I did with a quick thank you.

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