Susans POV

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I was walking through Piccadilly Circus, when something caught my eye. Down a small alleyway on my right, held a small shop. As I walked closer I saw the beautiful products inside, the shop front was a dark brown colour almost black, with beautiful animals and flowers carved under the front store windows, not too overpowering, but it gave its little bit of wonder to the colourless front.

What caught my eye was the beautiful green stone standing on a pedestal in the middle of the front window. It looked like a piece of jade, but I couldn't be too sure because of the purple swirl in the middle of it, that made the jade not too hideous but not that gorgeous either. Around the stone where four pieces of jewellery, that looked like it was from the same stone, there where: one was a beautiful bracelet with what looked like Celtic knots wrapping themselves around it, one was a pair of dragon fly earrings with what looked like a rubies in its eyes, one was a silver ring with the stone set in a teardrop mould and the last one was a locket solely made out of the stone with a head of a Phoenix in gold looking upwards.

I knew instantly that I was going to get it for Alices birthday. Myself, Heather and Olive had decided that since I was good at jewellery, that I would pick out the present for Alice's 21st Birthday. So on my lunch break, since I had an hour to spare, I had been trying to find something really special for her big birthday, since Rome was out of the question.

Looking at my watch to see how much I had left of my lunch break and realising I had only been away for 10minutes I went into the shop.

As soon as I walked in, I was met by a beautiful smell of lavender. I closed my eyes and breathed in the relaxing smell of lavender, when I opened them again I was met by a very handsome man with black long hair pulled back into a long ponytail, brown warm eyes that where slowly turning to a dark red colour, half of his face was hidden behind a black mask, he had a bronze and muscular chest that was dripping with sweat, looked like he was in his late 30's, wore a blacksmith's apron and brown jeans. At that very moment, I felt a strong pull towards him, as if the universe was demanding that we had to be together and that we had known each other before.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when he asked in a chocked husky voice "Susan, is it you. My Susan?" I looked at him alarmed as he quickly made his way towards me, as if he couldn't believe I was here and didn't want me to leave. I side stepped him and then turned to face the stone with the jewellery around it. I cleared my throat and then asked whilst looking down at the stone workmanship on the stand "can I ask where did you find this stone, it's beautiful yet something tells me that it's not to be trifled with?" He gave out a long defeated sigh and then said whilst cleaning his throat "it is called the 'Fate Rock' but there is many other names for it where I come from. It is from my home town" this time I turned to face him and asked "does it have a meaning behind the name?" This time he looked back at the 'Fate Rock' and said with a sad smile on his face "as the name suggests, 'Fate Rock' means that no matter how delicate or how precious are life with are loved one is, we will never have enough of it and therefore is the most precious and degrading thing there is in the universe. This is why there is a purple swirl that represents the wheel of time, this represents a persons life force, always constant never stopping until it is time for the Fate/death" I looked at him with wonder and sadness, no matter how beautiful the 'Fate Rock' was, it also represented something that we cannot escape from.

I didn't know I was crying until he turned to face me and reached out to touch my right cheek. I blushed bright red and then quickly wiped away the tears that had fallen on my cheeks with my left hand.

I gave him a small smile and said "sorry about that. I have been trying to find a locket for my best friend Alice and saw the beautiful........" his eyes widened at the name Alice and asked shocked "Alice is alive?" I looked at him uncomfortable, whilst thinking to myself "crazy guy alert, maybe if I'm quick enough he won't have time to fallow me" still having my eyes on him, I quickly turned around and dashed out the shop scared, thanking every Prophet, God or Deity that was listening, that the creepy guy didn't follow me. Not realising I would very soon meet him again.

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