Chapter 67

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Liorn breathed in the cool morning air, it was dead quite even the birds where not awake yet.

It taken three weeks to find the exact whereabouts of the 'Haveriun seal' in Pompeii, he ached to see his mates beautiful face, but this is what he needed to do, to truly find out who he really was.

He was currently on a road that led to what was once a Coliseum, when in the corner of his eye he saw movement, just a quick flash of a black shoe, it was far too early for humans to be visiting let alone humans that wanted to skip the rush. But he pretended not to have seen. But before he could bring back his thoughts, a group of people that looked like from the mainland, stepped out from as if from thin air. They all bowed before him and said "my lord, we have waited for your return for so long and now you are here" he looked at them confused and then gasped aloud as he saw there eyes change to that of a wolf.

There where many tales and myths of these beings, the humans called them werewolves, humans that changed into wolves. But that as always when it came to mankind/humans, was always the very very watered down version. There true name had been watered down over the centuries, it was true that they turned into wolves, but they weren't your average sized wolves, after all they came from a completely different dimension.

They ate the flesh of humans, so coming to Earth with 'Haveriun seal' with so many prey and having a free run of human flesh practically on the doorstep, from the dead gladiators and slaves that fought in the Coliseum, to them it was paradise.

But even though they had females, they where very few, it was more like a ratio of 50 men to 1 female and considering these 'werewolves' where 10,000 of them and the not so many births. Even mates where practically unheard of, like many beings of the universe, as if the universe herself had decided to play a nasty little game on them.

He was pulled out of his thoughts, when an elderly man walked over to him whilst clearing his throat and leaning against a brown wooden walking stick, he wore a brown tunic and his hair was cut short. The man said "you seem to have forgotten us, but no worries. It is understandable that after your nephew experimented on...." Liorns eyes widened and said in a chocked whisper "so what the 'Unspeakable One' said was true" the old man smiled creepily and then said "yes, you are the creator of the four dark dimensions and are god. Your nephew created all the other dark beings in the universe, that weren't created by your brother" the old man then said something that made Liorn stagger back "he has been waiting for your arrival, for many centuries. He is pleased that you have found your mate as well" Liorn looked at the old man and said whilst shaking his head "no, that is a lie. He died by his sons hand, everyone knows that" the old man scoffed and said "yes, he died at the hands of his son. But don't forget, that in this universe, light cannot exist without darkness. He has been reborn, like you. But he is not free like you. I will take you too him" and with that Liorn followed the old man, with the other people, following after them with there eyes.

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