Chapter 9

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Doctor Jasmine, was one of only five female doctors in 'The Royal Doctor Sect'. It wasn't because the royal family or the leaders of each Sect, frowned upon females being doctors.
Females where treated as highly valued, after all no one knew how many women would be left after the ceremony each winter, the dreaded 'Eve Of The Dark Wolf' and so they where prized over everything and anyone including the royal family. For they where the future of Golden Star.

The true reason why there where less females than males, because the board tried to make it a bit harder for the women that took the exam. The reason being, the Sect leaders wanted the women that where luckily not picked, to have a: stress free, peaceful, fearless, happy life with there family's after years of being scared and fearful of the ceremony, after having it drilled into there brain since young.

Doctor Jasmine, had just hung the cooked herbs and spices onto the outside of the operating building, when a group of 'The Royal Doctor Sect' guards hurried over to her with four animal hid stretchers. What she saw on the stretchers, nearly made her stumble backwards in shock. There on all four stretchers where 4 beautiful but strange women, she thought to herself "Have the Gods finally seen are problem and have given us a miracle in are time of need?" She was pulled out of her thoughts when the Leader of the Sect, an old man with long white beard and hair, wore a green cloak, green shoes and a cone shaped hat that was also green, cleared his throat loudly and asked annoyed "Doctor Jasmine, are you going to stand there like a statue or are you going to move, so we can look after these women?" Once she got her bearings right, she quickly bowed to her master and moved to the side, so the guards could bring the patients into the building.

Once they set the unconscious women where moved to the already made beds, that where always readymade just in case, Doctor Jasmine and her master began to examine the patients.

After half an hour of making sure that the women where physically okay, they began to make a medicine to wake the strange women up. The leader of the sect was just about to put in some lavender extract, to disguise the other ingredients that where vital in the medicine but had a nasty smell, when the doors to the room opened with a bang and in stepped 'The Advisor Sect' leader, Advisor Daniels.

Advisor Daniels looked at all of the unconscious women, with there torn clothing and hair nest like hair. The leader of the Sect sighed annoyed, he hated being interrupted by people when he was making vital medicines. He gave the small bag of lavender to Doctor Jasmine, walked over to Advisor Daniels, bowed and then said whilst rising back up "greetings to you Sect Leader of 'The Advisor Sect'. May the Great Wolf God Of The Frozen North....." Advisor Daniels, interrupted him by saying "we don't have time for pleasantries. Doctor Lito, Will these women be able to attend the ceremony tonight the 'Eve Of The Dark Wolf'?" At this time, Doctor Jasmine had already added the lavender and was know stirring the mixture in the big black cauldron on the floor. Doctor Lito looked at the young, unconscious women on the beds and said whilst looking at them unsure "I don't know Advisor Daniels, they might be are only hope for this year, but I don't know how their body's will cope with the medicine. After all they don't seem to be of are world" he looked at them with a mixture of pity and hope. Pity because of them being ripped from there own world and not knowing if they would die in this world without any of there loved ones ever realising and hope because they may be Golden Stars hope of their continuous survival, in this world of monsters.

Advisor Daniels once happy and excited face, quickly turned to that of dread and fear. After awhile of silence, a evil plan came to his mind "these strange women won't be missed that much, because there family's don't know that they are gone. Even if they don't survive the journey to the Fire Wall, it will still mean that we can get away with not giving 'them' are own females for the ceremony" he quickly bowed to Doctor Lito and then left the room, but not before telling one of his guards quietly "when all have gone to sleep, take some of your men and put the women in shackles and then in the cage on wheels, we can't take any risks" with a nod from his guard he left back to his Sect, to get everything ready for tonight.

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