Chapter 8

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The Royal palace of Golden Star, was as big as it was spacious. After all it had to cater for the 5 main sectors, that included the the royal household, with their classed colours:
Gold-The Royal Family and also the colour for the places of worship for the 5 gods.
Silver-The Cavalry Sect.
Bronze-The Servants Sect(equally as important).
Purple-The Advisor Sect.
Green-The Royal Doctor Sect.

Except for the Royal Family no one else lived here.
Each Sect was placed as that of a compass, with the Royal household in the middle, with a quiet a lot of space between each one and each of space of the compass, represented the old gods of this world. They where:

North of the royal palace held 'The Advisor Sect', which held three big dark purple buildings, with golden interiors, gifts from the first royal family. With each dark purple building, they held records from the births and deaths of the royal family's to the records of the citizens of the Golden Star kingdom and also most importantly 'the ceremony', that happened every winter.
The God that was worshiped in this Sect and that was represented on the back of the sects right wrists, was the Great Wolf God Of The Frozen North. But this wolf was not what you would except him to look like, he wasn't what you picture a wolf from Earth. He was as tall as a tree, with a mixture of both wolf and eagle. He represented: fierceness for survival and guidance.

East of the royal palace held 'The Cavalry Sect', which held: one big silver oak training building, two silver leaf large stables and a silver oak large paddock with trees, lakes and mountains. Also the sleeping quarters of the cavalry, before going on missions, if they didn't have any then they would go back home to there loved ones, like the rest of the palace people.
They also held old maps and past reports, in the training building to look over in the future for reference.
The God that was represented in this Sect and on there breast plate, was that of the Goddess Of Fire And Rebirth. Her form was that of a Phoenix. She represented: hope in the darkest of times and rebirth.

South of the royal palace held 'The Servants Sect', which held: three large buildings made out of Bronze. Each Bronze building held things from kitchens to washing rooms and sowing rooms.
The God that was represented in this Sect and was on there clothing, was that of Goddess Of The Southern Mountain. Her form was that of a Hawknor (a giant being of half-Hawk, half-dragon). She represented: loyalty, watchfulness and above all honour.

West of the royal palace held 'The Royal Doctor Sect', which held: two large buildings made out of green oak, a large medicine field with a lake nearby and a smokehouse to cook the herbs to heal. The soil here, was a very fine mixture of  a cold like substance that would make someone violently sick for days and the other half of the mixture was like that of a solid rock, due to this they had to cook the vital herb for two days to get rid of the soil. They still worked, just tasted a bit sour. This method was used all over the Human kingdom, they had used it for centuries.
The God that was represented in this Sect and was shown on the helmets of the guards and the tunics of the 'The Royal Doctor Sect'. Dark green tunics where for the male Doctors and light green tunics where for the female Doctors.
The God was pictured in this sect was the God of Magic and Healing. His form was that of a green dragon. He represented: Healing, magical arts and thoughtfulness.

All Male sect members wore the dark colour of there sect, whilst women wore a lighter colour of there sect.
Each Sect had 12 disciples, except for the 'The Cavalry Sect' which had too many to count. Only when a Sect member had died, did a person come into the Sect. Usually the new Sect member, would come from the same family or if they had no one left did they put out a call for a competition for the next Sect member.

In the middle of compass like map, stood the Grand old, royal palace of Golden Star. There was an old legend that the royal palace of Golden Star, had been here when the humans accidentally fell into this strange world, seeing it vacant and empty, there leader decided to take it for himself. Only after two years, did he find out that this grand palace was once home to Vandor, the deadliest being in the universe. But it didn't state why he had left it.

In those two years of the humans settling in and there leader finally being able to relax without being hunted down, like the rest of his people.
He never changed anything to the design of the palace, everything was still in its place as if someone had just stepped out for a moment, it had: dark brown tapestries of the Gods and Goddess's of this world lining the walk way to the dark gold throne. All the furniture was in its own space, from Chinese tables and chairs to fur covered rugs. It also housed five bedrooms and from different parts of history, as if the owner Vandor was also a time traveler.
At the back of the palace, was a large bathing room that led to a beautiful garden with a statue of the Goddess Of Fire And Rebirth in the middle, with her wings and head looking up to the sky with her beak open as if she desperately wanting to be free of her cage. Below her statue was a small green island with a blue lake around it and in front of that was a circle with beautiful displays of roses, tulips, lavender and snow drops. At the back of the beautiful garden was the statue of the God Of The Heavenly Planes, which was represented as the God of the royal household. His form was that of a mixture of a lion and a Phoenix. He represented: loyalty, thirst for knowledge, honour, respect and a fierceness for survival. He was also the consort of the Goddess of Fire and Rebirth.

It was said that they will be forever there but out of reach of one another and for that they will never have a lovers embrace. Maybe this was fitting for the last owner, since it is said that he has watched the birth and of all things twice, whilst never having his mate/soulmate by his side.

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