Chapter 1011

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If you stand on a hill, in the morning breeze, what do you see?
A new sunrise?
The land before you shining in the morning sun?
Sometimes one can be blinded by what they see, instead of thinking of what is to come.

It came, the day everyone dreaded. Mr Whittle had just finished doing the paperwork for the last family that came into the agency, when his boss charged into the room with his eyes widened in disbelief he motioned with his head to fallow him into the other room, so Mr Whittle did.

What he found would forever scar him forever, it was the BBC NEWS at 6pm. 4 groups of the leaders of the English government where standing in front of number 10 Downing Street, with the speaker for the government saying:
"In the early hours of this morning at 6am, an incident happened at are British intelligence agency. The British intelligence agency, has been shut and will be dismantled very soon. This is a show of strength especially from both Labour and the Conservative parties, we do not stand for betrayal or disloyalty against our people nor against the stability of this country. Whoever harbours these betrayers we will be equally dealt with and have the full force of....."

Anthony looked at his boss and said "the rumours were right, they are already making there move" his boss looked at the turned off TV with hate, composed himself and said defeated "well I suppose, I shouldn't be too surprised. We where going to be on borrowed time anyway, but one thing is for sure. We know who are true loyalties lie. I had more respect from are mythical and magical friends than I ever seem to by any human government"

It hit him square in the face now, Anthony Whittle, an always shy and uncomfortable man, would have to change for the future of his people, even if that meant 'so called' betraying his race for a better future for the human race.

The Red Dragon

He smiled at a small mouse in his hands, as he tumbled it over and over again in his hands. He was pulled out his thoughts when his second in command cleared his throat and said "my lord".

The red dragon dropped the mouse to the floor, as it ran away in fright. He then got up from his seat by the window and said "I see our mice have started the chain of events to come. Hmm, interesting, very interesting" he looked at the said mice on the ground and said "I see the race of man, are still as weak and foolish as they every was when I was around. I am surprised they haven't exterminated themselves. Shame about the elves, they where so much powerful than the race of mankind, but in the end they were defeated by there own trust in the race of mankind. But I suppose if they were not so foolish, they wouldn't of believed me as much and started there own destruction" his second in command looked at the red dragon and asked "why have you always despised the race of mankind?" The red dragon face softened at this and said as if remembering a long forgotten memory "hmmm, I once asked that question a long time ago. I was in your place, a second in command. I thought I knew everything and everyone. I thought I knew the difference between good and evil" he turned to face his second in command and said "we are not born good or evil old friend. It is are paths in life that change us, some for the good, some for the worst. I was there when 'they' came, whole families wiped out from existence, from toddlers to the elderly. I was just a new blacksmith in training, but even I was not a match to them. When I died, I was born into this 'thing', hate filled monster, laughing at my own stupid folly and heartache" his second in command said softly "but my lord, surely that is just a different ti...." The red dragon let out a sarcastic laugh and said tutting "I see, the great oracle has not appeared to you has she?" His second in command just looked at him confused, so the red dragon said "I was born in the year 3028. Where the human race and that of my world was as tense as can be. No one knew how it happened, but it did....sigh..." he then turned to face his second in command and said "this is why I go against the race of mankind now, before it is too late to stop the extinction of all" his second in command looked at the red dragon confused and asked "why now though? Are you not already starting the extinction for all not just the race of mankind?" The red dragon just smirked and said "some races will be extinct, that is true. But that is fate, as long as I can rid the human race, my family, my race will be avenged, that is all I care about"

He could still see in his mind eye, his home destroyed, his little girls happy face tarnished with dust and smoke from the fire, whilst clutching her teddy bear in her arms with scared eyes and her beautiful mouth open in fear.

When he was a blacksmith, he never craved vengeance, after all life and death was the way of things, it was as natural as breathing. When his wife died in childbirth, he mourned for her but tried not to blame anyone, but.....but when his daughter died by a human raiding party, he lost all manner of thinking and charged into a nearby human settlement. He had killed everyone and destroyed everything he could before he was killed by a butchers wife.

But when he died, he thought he would see his beautiful wife and daughter again, in the other world. But it wasn't for him, instead he found himself on a barren desert, looking up at a cloaked figure with thousands of giant scorpions behind the figure. The figure gave him another chance of survival, to help wipe out the race of mankind forever no matter the cost. The person that the cloaked figure was, was the thing living inside Drogdrannith. The dark being had been searching for a body to share with his brothers spirit, to be reborn once more.

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